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Carisi's P.O.V:
"Guys we got a case!" Olivia shouts out while walking through a crowd of people. She waves a case file in our direction. Me and Fin approach Olivia as we except a briefing.

"Okay guys, we have a 13 year old at the hospital who's family has just found out she's pregnant. Obviously this baby didn't just pop out of nowhere. You and Fin go talk to the Parents, find out if anyone has seen or been near Eva. Bear in mind they are very involved in their church. Also, anyone seen Rollins this morning?" Olivia asks after explaining our case.

"Not since yesterday Liv." Fin replies.

"No me neither. I walked her out yesterday after talking to you Olivia but after that haven't heard from her." I explain, worriedly. I walk over to my desk and use the phone. I dial Amanda's number in and wait for her to pick up.

"No answer." I call over to Fin and Liv.

"How about you guys swing by after questioning the parents?" Liv suggests.

"Good call Liv. We will call you once we've questioned the parents." I say. I quickly grab my jacket from the back of my chair and follow Fin down to the hospital.

At the hospital....

Me and Fin walk down the corridor of the hospital in attempt to find Eva. We finally turn the corner where a large group of people stand holding hands.

"Well I guess we found them, Liv did say they were religious." Fin whispers.

"Yeah well, I'd do the same if that was my kid." I mumble quietly.

The finally break away and the younger children position themselves on the floor playing with toy cars. The older children supervise them as the parents approach us.

"Hello Mrs. Zemaro and Mr. Zemaro, I'm Detective Sonny Carisi and this is Detective Fin Tutuola. We are here to talk about your daughter, Eva." I introduce, flashing my badge.

"We told the Doctor we don't need the police involved with this. We will sort something out within our community."

"Well actually you don't have a choice, this police have to be called. You 13 year old daughter is pregnant that baby didn't get there by itself did it?" I argue.

Fin let's me take lead. The parents stand looking at me for a couple of minutes before saying:

"What are you even accusing our daughter of? Are you implying she's a bad child?" They say, defensively.

"I never said that but we need to find who did this to your daughter." I repeat.

"Daisy, what's going on?" A slender man walks towards the Eva's mother.
"I'm pastor Johnson. I'm also the Zemaro's attorney. Everything okay here detectives?" He greets.

"Yeah, in fact we were just leaving." Fin says, gesturing me to follow. We walk back out into the corridor.

"We could have got them Fin, what the hell?" I hiss.

"Could we have though? They already lawyered up Carisi. Let's go check up on Amanda." Fin says, getting into the car.

On the way to Amanda's apartment, I ring her a couple more times. Still no answer. Maybe she just overslept? She's pregnant shes probably just really tired, right? We arrive outside and walk up to the door. I knock three times.

"I've called her so many times Fin, still no answer. What's our next move?" I ask.

"Amanda, its Fin and Carisi you in there?" Fin shouts while knocking. He then looks back at me.

"She's here the door is locked from the inside." I explain observing the latch.

"I'm going to break in." Finn says while ramming his shoulder into the door. It flings open and I hear Fin shout. I run in the direction of the shouting.

"Oh my god!" I say, voice hitching.

"This is Detective Sonny Carisi we need a bus at Detective Amanda Rollins' apartment now!" I yell into the walkie talkie. I kneel down next to Fin and Amanda.

"I found her like this Carisi. Some son of a bitch must've attacked her." He explains.

We sit in silence staring at Amanda. Tears grow in my eyes as she lays there unconscious. Fin holds her to his chest and regularly checks her pulse. It's here we sit in silence and wait for the bus.

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