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Carisi's P.O.V:

"I'm fine." Amanda mumbles before moving away from the wall and falling.

"Whoa, Amanda can you hear me?" Olivia asks, checking Amanda's pulse.

I quickly pull my phone out and call 911 and ask for an ambulance. The 911 operator told me that they would be here in less than 5 minutes. Me and Olivia move her so that she is more comfortable and Fin goes outside so he is able to tell us when the bus arrives. When the bus arrives, I offer to ride with Amanda and we head to the hospital.


Amanda awakes, slowly blinking her eyes adjusting to the bright lights. She moves around slightly trying to adjust herself to the position she's in. I sit and watch her get comfortable and wait for her to be ready to talk.

"Why are you still here?" She asks softly, rubbing her eyes.

"Why do you think? You passed out and I wasn't just going to leave you in here by yourself." I point out, laughing dryly.

"I'm fine though right? Is the baby okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine. They think your fainting spell was caused by low blood pressure."

"What am i doing? What was I thinking, having a baby on my own?" She whispers, sighing.

"Hey, Amanda stop that. I've been working with you for a while now and there is nothing you can't handle, you got that?"

I reach for her hand and squeeze it tightly. I smile tenderly at her and nod to reinforce that she is capable of going through with all of this.

"Yeah but I screwed up, I won't be able to do this." She explains, voice hitching.

A single tear rolls down her cheek and she looks down at her lap. I squeeze her hand again and held it tightly on my own.

"Yes you will, it will be okay. Do you know how I know this? Because you've come this far and you are so strong."

She gives me a small smile and thanks me for being here with her through everything.

"I need to quickly call Liv to tell her what's going on. No one else knows you're pregnant do they? I just want to check before I talk to Liv." I say, chuckling.

"No one else knows but I am 7 weeks so I'm going to start showing more and more, I'll get round to it."

I nod and head outside the hospital room and call Liv to update her on Amanda's condition. She asks me a couple more questions before hanging up. I slide back into Amanda's room and explain what Liv just told me.

"She said she hopes you are feeling better now and she told me to stay here until they are ready to let you go home so I can get you home. Maybe get some rest?" I suggest, taking a seat once again.

"Yeah, I think it wouldn't hurt after the day I've had." She says laughing. 

These are their stories ~ Amanda RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now