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Amanda's P.O.V

"Shut up and sit down!" I hear Patton shout.

I see Carisi emerge from the kitchen looking at me with his sorrowful eyes. He mouths to me 'He's sorry' which makes me cry even harder because he couldn't of known this was going to happen.

"Look, it doesn't have to be like this if you just let her go -"

"Shut up! Was I talking to you? No I was not! Don't make me say it a second time: Shut up and sit down!" Patton yells, making me jump.

I watch Carisi comply and sit down. He keeps looking back over at me and each time all I can do is stare back at him through teary eyes hoping that he's somehow okay or at least better than I am. I feel so guilty every time I look over at Carisi, why is it always Carisi that is with me when the worst things happen? Carisi sits there, clearly in panic at gunpoint, repeatedly looking over at me as if he's about to cry.

"So Mandy, what shall we do? Maybe I should start what I never really finished?" Patton says with a smug smile.

Patton then rips the duct tape from my mouth and I jolt backwards.

"Don't call her that." Carisi snaps.

"What did you say to me?" Patton asks, getting angrier by the minute.

Carisi stays silent knowing that was probably the wrong move to make. He looks down at the floor not wanting to look at me, I dread to think what is going through his head.

"Answer me!" Patton yells, moving closer to me.

I flinch back as he gets closer to me, fear engulfing me. He raises his hand to my face and slaps me. I gasp and move back holding my hand up to my face. I look over at Carisi as a single tear rolls down his cheek.

"Bet you regret not listening to me now aren't you...Carisi? Yeah that's right. When you tried to call Amanda your name came up on the screen right before you got in here. Why are you even here? What is she too you? She's nothing." Patton explains to Carisi.




"Please just leave her alone. What did she ever do to you? And just for your information, she is worthy it's just your inability to see good in women." Carisi says confidently.

"Carisi stop, I'm going to be okay." I whisper with a forceful smile.

"Shut up Bitch! And Carisi have you got something you want to say to me?" Patton said angrily, waving his gun around.

"Carisi no - " I say as Carisi interrupts me.

"Actually yes I do have something to say. What have you got against me or Amanda? You were the one to assault her so technically she should be pissed with you. Oh and another thing, you try anything and my squad will be here within seconds." Carisi says, satisfied with what he has said.

I sit and watch Patton's reaction. He gets closer to Carisi still frantically waving his gun. Carisi doesn't once stand back, he just keeps glancing over at me.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Patton yells.

Carisi stays silent.

"That's it." Patton says.

He smacks Carisi with his gun and he falls to the ground. I scream as he lays unconscious on the floor. Patton gets some duct tape to tie around his wrists and ankles as well as his mouth. He then props him against the wall and slips his mobile out of his pocket.

"What is your Captain's name, I'm going to text her posing as Carisi so she can leave us alone. I'm going to finish what I started in Atlanta, so name!"

"Olivia Benson and for you information she is not our Captain." I mumble under my breath once I had told him her name.

"How does this seem: Hey it's Carisi, Amanda is fine but I'm going to stay with her for a while until you get Patton." He asks rhetorically.

He smiles grimley and then throws Carisi's phone to the other side of the room.

"Now how about we start what I never got to finish."

"No please, don't do this." I say as my voice hitches.

He grabs his gun and points it in Carisi's direction.

"Don't make me do something I'm going to regret. Do what I say and I won't hurt him."

I finally give in and do what he tells me.

These are their stories ~ Amanda RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now