I've got you

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Amanda P.O.V:

Carisi left me in the guest room and he went into the living room. I grab the clothes from the bed and walk into the bathroom. Turning the shower on, I shut the door and gently slide my clothes off. Clambering into the shower, I take a quick glance at myself in the mirror. I quickly look away and the image of the bruises scattered across my body imprints on the back of my eyes. I shake the thought attempting to just enjoy the shower and appreciate the warmth of the water running across my body. My body still aches from the assault and I'm hoping that hot water will relax my sore muscles. I run soap through my hair and scrub at my scalp.I then lean back and allow the water to flow through my hair. For a brief second everything felt normal, everything felt okay. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment of peace as the water continues to rush over me. The water begins to cool and I let out a gasp as the water goes from being lukewarm to ice cold. The sudden change in temperature makes me leap out of the shower and reach for the towel which are carefully placed on the side of the sink. Without warning, my foot slips on the bathroom tiles and I fall to the floor.


My whole body begins aching even more and tears brim in my eyes. I wrap the towel around myself and sit considerably still trying to ease the increasing pain engulfing my body. I attempt to stand up but I can't move without sharp uncalled for pains rippling through my body. I let out a pained whimper and fold myself into a slightly more comfortable position.

"Hey Amanda, you okay in there? I heard a huge commotion and I want to check if your okay." Carisi explains from outside of the bathroom door.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I choke out in pain.

"You don't sound okay, what happened? Can I come in?"

Tears roll down my cheeks as I feel so useless and angry with myself because I just want to get up off the floor and for everything to stop hurting. The smallest of movements send pain rippling through my bruised body and it hurts so badly.

"If you want to but I c-can't really m-move and I'm n-not dressed." I explain feeling really embarrassed about the whole situation.

Carisi opens the door and approaches towards me.He quickly reaches across the bath to turn the shower off before he kneels down on the bathroom tiles next to me and pulls me in for a hug. I lay my head down in his lap and lay there as he strokes my slightly wet hair while I continue to cry quietly.

"I'm sorry about all of this. I tried to get out the shower but fell over and because I have all these bruises everything hurts so bad and I ended up here on the floor." I explain, pulling the towel further around myself.

"It's okay, it was an accident and I wasn't doing anything important. You don't have to apologise it's not like you purposely fell out of the shower Amanda. How about I help you up so you can get dressed?"

"That's probably a good idea as these bathroom tiles are pretty cold considering I just have a towel wrapped around myself."

I lift my head from Carisi's lap and sit up straight. He gets up and moves away from me so I have some space to try and get dressed. I reach up to where my clothes are neatly balanced on the sink and grab my underwear and bra. I gently slip my underwear on, briefly making contact with the skin on my legs. Next, I attempt to put my bra on. This hurts more as I have to move around more to connect the hooks at the back.

"You done getting dressed?" Carisi asks respectfully.

"Not exactly. Could you give me a hand with my bra? I almost have it on I just need you to connect the hooks at the back as moving around a lot just causes me more pain."

"Ermm yeah sure, so it's all good for me to turn around?"

"Yeah of course, I'm sorry if this is making you feel awkward."

"No it's alright, I'm more worried about making you feel awkward if I'm going to be honest."

He turns around to face me and moves around behind me. I feel reach for the hooks and join them together. His hands were warm against my slightly cold back which spread warmth across my shoulders. He wanders back past me facing forwards towards me.

"Thank you for helping me."

"Your welcome, I'm going to sit on the couch if that's okay with you so that you can get dressed and chill out for the night."

"Yeah of course, I'll be alright by myself to get dressed." I say reassuringly.

He smiles and exits the bathroom to leave me to get dressed. I slide some of Carisi's sweatpants on and carefully pull a oversized shirt over my head. Once I'm fully dressed, I dry my hair off and put the towels into the laundry basket. I stroll into the living room and settle myself on the couch next to Carisi.

"Want some food?" Carisi questions.

"Not right now and yes I know I need to eat but for now I just want to snuggle up to you here while we watch some TV. I don't really want to sleep right now but by all means you can, just don't leave me."

Carisi agrees that for now me and him can just sit under a blanket on the sofa while watching some reality tv show that we both haven't seen before. He drapes his arm over my shoulders and I lean my head into him. For the first time in a while I feel safe and wanted. Comforting warmth radiates from Carisi and for a split second everything seems to be perfect, just me and Carisi. 

These are their stories ~ Amanda RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now