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Carisi's P.O.V:


You want me to bring pizza after work?


Yeah sure, Italian? What time? xx


I don't know like 7:30? And yeah if you want Italian I can get that, Need anything else when I go out? For Jesse? The baby? :)


7:30 sounds good x And I don't think so

Thanks though x


Alright see you later and let me know if you need anything :)


I will xx

"Carisi?" Olivia asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry what?"

"My office please." She says, face stern.

My hearts starts racing, what's going on? I begin to think of all the things that I could have done to piss her off. Nothing.

"Could you shut the door please Carisi?"

"Yeah sure, what's this about?" I ask, panicking.

"There is no easy way of putting this...umm Patton is out on bail, Im sorry Carisi."

My heart sinks.

"What....H-how? I need to call Amanda or something. Wait...Do the rest of the squad even know yet. Oh my god I can't even believe this is happening." I mumble, sitting down on one of the chairs in Olivia's office.

"No I haven't told the squad yet because I thought maybe you should find out first. I really am sorry Carisi, none of us wanted this."

"Its not me you should be apologising too. What did she even tell you anyway, I mean Amanda. How do you know anything about her and Patton?" I question, completely overwhelmed and confused.

"She didn't have to tell me anything directly but something definitely happened. The way she was so anxious about him getting out and remember that outburst, that wasn't nothing Carisi."

I sit replaying the event in my head.

"The defendant is required to wear a ankle bracelet if bail is posted. The defendant is also required to surrender his passport. Bail is set at $1000000 cash or bond." The judge says as she bangs the gavel. "I'll get you Amanda! You little bitch, this will never be over!" Patton yells."

"Im sorry Olivia, this is all happening at the same time and I know she hasn't told everyone what happened. I was talking to her just before i was called in her. What if he gets her? This son of a b-"

"Carisi, calm down alright. I'm not sure what you mean by 'she hasn't told everyone what happened' but she is going to be okay. Everyone is worried about her but she is a strong woman. We all know you care about her the most so why don't you go see her to see she's okay for yourself?" Olivia suggests.

"Yeah if that's okay? I'm sorry for all of this and I don't even know why I keep apologizing."

"Hey Carisi, it's alright. Now go be with Amanda and call me if you need anything."

"Thank you." I say, opening Olivia's office door.

"And Carisi? If you ever need to talk, you know where i'm at."

I nod and head my way to the elevator. I pass Fin as I walk through the squad room and drop my gaze to the floor. Once i'm out of the precinct, I get in the car and head straight to Amanda's apartment.

Shes fine.

Shes fine.

Shes fine.

I pull up outside Amanda's apartment and get out of the car.

Shes fine.

Shes fine.

Shes fine.

I climb all the stairs and face her apartment door. I knock on door and it opens slightly exposing the light from inside her apartment. I walk in, heart beating so fast, praying everything is okay.

"Amanda?" I shout as I walk into the living room.

I turn to look around into the kitchen and when I turn back around I see Patton holding Amanda at gunpoint on the sofa. He then points a second gun at me. I look over to Amanda as she sobs silently. Her hands and feet are bound, her mouth is covered with duct tape which muffles the sobs.

"Shut up and sit down!"

These are their stories ~ Amanda RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now