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Amanda P.O.V:
I wake up to a slender silhouette leaning over me. I blink the sleepiness away and look around the room. Carisi, Fin and Liv all look at me as I wait for someone to say something.

"You okay?" Fin asks.

"Not really, I mean I'm in a hospital so I've been better." I snap.

"You know we are gonna have to question you, right?" Liv explains.

"I know, I just don't want to talk about it." I say ignoring the whole subject.

I sit there staring into space remembering how scared I was lying on the floor being beaten. How I thought it was going to be my last moment on Earth. How I thought it was going to hurt my babies. A single salty tear rolls down my cheek. I wipe it away and continue reliving the moments leading up to me lying in a hospital bed.

"Amanda? Amanda?"

"Yeah, what?" I say, snapping out of my daze.

"Who do you want questioning you?" Carisi asks.

"Umm I don't know.. Liv and you? I'm sorry Fin I just don't know. I'm - " I reply quickly.

"I get it, its cool Amanda. I'll come back later. I'm sorry for what happened to you. I'll be right outside." Fin smiled and wondered out of my room.

I'm left staring at both Liv and Carisi. I feel scared. I don't want to tell them it was because I owed money but I can't exactly lie. What are they going to think of me? I'm such a dipshit.

"So Amanda I know this is hard for you but we are going to have to take your statement." Liv explains.

The palms of my hands begin to sweat as stress overtakes me. My body hurts so much and the last thing I want to be doing is describing the pain I had to go through.

"Do I have to Liv?" I say, hoping I could stall her. She gave me her 'Don't give me this bullshit' look.

"Okay, Okay. So I walked into my apartment and I felt really uncomfortable when I heard shuffling in my living room. I thought maybe it was Frannie and that's when I was faced with a gun. Someone behind me had a gun too."

"Do you know these people?" Carisi says, concern evident in his voice.

"Yeah... I kinda owed them money. Can we end this now? It's my fault okay!"

"Amanda, you didn't deserve to be beaten. You didn't ask for that. Stop blaming yourself." Liv explains.

"But it was my fault! I'm a mistake Liv! You always see the best in everyone but I'm not a good person. I'm such a bad person Liv! I got myself into this trouble." I shout.

"You should have left me to die."

"Amanda, don't say that. We care about you. Like Liv said, you didn't deserve that." Carisi soothes.

"FUCK!" I yell.

"Amanda you okay?" Carisi says, running over to me.

The machines around me start bleeping around me. I start to panic alot.

"My b-back it hurts so m-much. FUCK!" I scream. I squeeze Carisi's hand so hard.

"Doctors! We need someone in here!" Liv yells down the corridor.

The pain shooting through my back is so unbearable along with the bruises from being beaten.

"Hold on Amanda, keep squeezing my hand. Doctors will be in here soon." Carisi says, trying to calm me down.

A flood of Doctors rush in and begin surrounding me.

"I think she's going into early labour, something's not right." One doctor says to the nurse.
"Doctor Sloan, Doctor Sloan. We need you in here ASAP."

"The doctor will be in here very son I promise Amanda." Carisi soothes. He grimaces sightly when I squeeze his hand. I must be hurting him pretty bad.

"I need you step out now." A nurse says to Carisi and Liv. They have to practically shove them out as they didn't want to leave me. I'm crying so much by this point and the pain is agonising. I watch them staring in panic through the window at me. I begin screaming as the doctors try to stabilise me. Carisi looks most disturbed out of the two of them. Am I going to be okay and will my babies make it?

These are their stories ~ Amanda RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now