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Carisi's P.O.V:

1 day after the rescue

"I knocked the apartment door and it opened by itself so after what I was told about Patton, I decided to enter her apartment. Once I was in the living room I turned around for a second and when I turned back around, he had Amanda at gunpoint. He had another gun which he pointed at me. I tried to help but made things worse by questioning him so he smacked Amanda straight across the face. I keep going anyway so he hits me in the forehead with his gun. Next thing I remember, is waking up to the sounds of Amanda being assaulted from her bedroom. I ermm... wake up tied up so I can't help her, god I'm such a dick. Anyway, Patton comes out and sees that I'm awake and he pulls the duct tape off that was covering my mouth. Amanda staggers out if her bedroom covered in bruises with torn clothes and she starts sobbing. I ask to go over to her and he asks me what am I going to do if he says no. Its at this point Amanda gets the gun and points it at him. She just shoots him at point blank range." I stutter nervously as tears brim in my eyes and my hands shake.

"Thanks Carisi, you okay?" Olivia asks softly.

"Ermm...yeah I think so." I respond unsure if that was the answer I was actually looking for.

"It's okay to admit that you are not okay Carisi and I really appreciate you coming here today just one day after it all happened to give me this statement."

"I'm still shaken up from everything and Amanda has completely changed now. It was so hard for her to come and wait here at the precinct. She won't sleep, eat or even talk to me most of the time. I really care about her and I hate to see her like this and the fact that I was there when she was being brutally assaulted made everything even harder."

"You will get through this, it takes time. I have no idea what you are going through and I understand it is very difficult but I've worked with you long enough now to know you will get through it."

"Yeah thanks Lieu, well I guess I need to go take Amanda home now. Does she need to make her statement or...?

"No not yet, she's been through enough traumatic experiences recently. Anyway, best let you get going. Message me if you need anything and take as much time as you need away from work."

"Thanks Lieu, I really appreciate it."

"Your welcome, make sure you take care of her."

"I will, I promise." I say as I get up heading out of the office which Olivia had took my statement in and I walk over to Amanda who is sitting at my desk.

Amanda sits at my desk in a grey oversized, comfortable hoodie and a pair of my old jogging bottoms as Amanda's apartment is a crime scene.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asks, kneeling down in front of her.

"I just can't stop thinking about him." She mumble as she begins to cry.

"It's okay he's gone now, he is never going to hurt you again. How about we get you out of here?"

She nods as I reach out to help her up. She flinches as soon as I get near her and she shuffles away from me. It pains me to see her scared of anyone, especially me. Jesse is staying with Olivia for the time being until we are ready to get her back. Amanda needs to get better before Jesse can come back which is why Olivia agreed to take her and because she is good friends with both me and Amanda.

We approach the car and I open the door and get her in first. I then get in and get ready to drive back to my place as Amanda's apartment is a crime scene. Amanda looks out of the window the whole way back to my place and does not say a word. When we get outside my apartment, I turn and look at her. She doesn't notice me to begin with until I say her name.

"I'm sorry for everything that happened to you when we were in your apartment. I'm even more sorry for not being able to save you from all of the pain he put you through." I confess.

"Don't be it's not your fault, I don't blame you. I was just so scared and I didn't know what else to do ther than just........shoot him." She explains quietly, tears springing in her eyes.

"Hey look at me, it's going to be okay."

She nods and gives me a weak smile. Once we are inside of my apartment she curls up on the sofa as I get her glass of water. She was released from the hospital this morning so this will be the first night that she stays over with me. I rearrange the guest room and get her one of my oversized hoodies and a pair of her pyjama bottoms that Olivia picked up for me.

"Thank you for all of this Carisi."

"Don't worry about it."

These are their stories ~ Amanda RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now