Welcome Back

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Amanda P.O.V:

"Welcome back Amanda." Fin greets me.

"Thanks, I guess." I say, awkwardly.

"Well I'm sorry about Patt -"

"Don't please, it's okay." I lie.

He nods and I sit back at my desk. I'm restricted just to desk duty now, better safe than sorry. I'm six weeks pregnant with my baby. Carisi has been looking out for me even when I tell him I'm fine. I log onto my laptop and go through all important notices.

"Hey Amanda, glad to see your back. You feeling better now?" Olivia asks.

"Yeah." I smile, looking back at my laptop.

I look back at my desk as I feel my phone vibrate in my jacket. I carefully reach into my pocket and check the number. Unknown. My heart beats faster as uncertainty fills my body. I stand up and head towards the bunks to gain some privacy.

"Hello?" I answer in a questioning tone.

"Amanda is that you?" The voice on the other end ask.

"Y-yeah, who is this?"

"Amanda its me, Declan." He replies.

"Declan? What do you want?"

"I heard about it."

"What your baby? From like 50 000 miles away? It's likely you don't give a shit. What you just sleep with me and leave? Is this what you wanted?" I rant, raising my voice to match my level of anger.

"Amanda, that's not what was supposed to happen. But you know better than anyone that my work can just take me away from things." Declan explains.

"No, why did you even call me? I'm fine. Just leave me alone." I hiss.

"Amanda, I just wanted to say in sorry."

"Well whatever. Just leave me alone. Don't ever call me again. This baby is mine. I'll figure it out by myself. Goodbye." With that, I hang up. I take a deep breathe out releasing what I just said. I finally said everything I needed to say to him. I was so stupid to even sleep with him in the first place. I walk back to the squad room and ease myself onto my chair. Carisi approaches and sits down on my desk.

"Everything okay?" Carisi asks.

"Yeah, everything is fine."

"Doesn't sound like -"

"I'm fine okay? Just leave me alone." I interrupt. I made a big step confronting Declan and its stressing me out.

"You like kinda pale, you sure your okay?" Carisi questions.

"I just either made a great step forward or a huge step backwards." I sigh.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I don't know, I just need to get out of here."

"Want me to go and talk to Liv?" Carisi smiles. I just nod and let him do what he wants. I'm super tired and I have no energy to argue. He come back 5 minutes later telling me that I'm all clear to go home. He walks me to my car. He stares at me signaling me to the fact he's ready to listen.

"Declan called, I spoke to him and told him not to call back ever again. Maybe that was a bad idea I don't know. I just, it's bullshit. He sleeps with me and leaves. So him being the father of my child? No." I explain.

"It's your choice, you child. I'm here for you if you ever need anything. You know that right?"

"Yeah, you've told me a good 100+ times. Thanks. Anyway, I'm going to go home and I'll see you tomorrow?" I laugh.

"Yeah sure, have a good evening Manda."

"You too Carisi."

I get into my car and drive home. I walk up to my apartment and slowly unlock the door. I place my bag on the cabinet and put the keys back in their holder. I hear a slight noise coming from the dining room. At first I thought it was Frannie until a man with a gun come face to face with me.

"There's no where to hide." He says as I feel a gun being pressed into the back of my head.

"Who are you? How did you get into my house?" I ask, panicking.

"Never mind that, you owe us, cough it up." They Said. It suddenly hit me what they were after. Money. I owe the gambling club money. I guess they couldn't wait anymore.

"I don't have what you want..." I explain, voice quivering with fear.

"Then your going to have to pay another way." One man explains. They push me to the floor and begin kicking me, missing my baby bump. Each blow causing me to scream out in pain.

"Shut up you bitch!" One man said. That's the last thing I heard before everything blurred out of proportion and I'm thinking this would be my last moment on Earth.

These are their stories ~ Amanda RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now