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Amanda's POV:

We arrive at the hospital and we swiftly move through the entrance into the corridor. My stomach churns uncomfortably as worry ripples throughout my body. We navigate our way around the crowds of people before we stumble upon a nurse.

"Hello my name is Detective Benson and this is my partner Amanda Rollins. We are from Manhattan SVU, could you direct us towards Lexie Turner's room please?" Olivia asks on behalf of me as well as herself.

"Yes of course, this is regarding the assault I am to assume? She's in room 105, down the hall and to the left. " The nurse replies, consulting her clipboard.

"Thank you."

Olivia gently knocks on the door of room 105 announcing that we are here.

"Hey Lexie, I'm Detective Benson and this is Amanda Rollins and we are both with Manhattan's SVU." Olivia explains, introducing me.

"I didn't call the cops." Lexie sighs, glaring at us both.

"No you didn't, the hospital did because it's the law - they need to alert us to someone who has been assaulted so we can investigate." Olivia clarifies.

"I've heard all about you Amanda, he's told me alot and congratulations by the way." Lexie says, smirking.

Olivia gives me a sideways glance before beginning her line of questioning. Panic began engulfing my body as I realised that Patton was here in New York and he'd been the one to assault her. According to Lexie he'd hooked up with her at a motel and things escalated pretty quickly. Lexie hadn't finished her statement yet but I couldn't handle listening to anymore of it, I need a quick escape.

"Hey Liv, can I take this?" I ask, holding my phone in my right hand. "Its Fin, says its important."

"Yeah of course, go." She answers, smiling.

I exit the room as quickly as possible pretending to talk to Fin over the phone. When my imaginary conversation is over I walk back into the room again asking Liv for permission to go back to the precinct as Fin needs me to work some 'new leads.'

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll take Lexie's statement and meet you back at the precinct in about an hour."

As I leave the room I see Lexie smirking at me once again. I hastily make my way out of the hospital before allowing the cold gusts on wind whip across my face.

2 days later

The last 48 hours have been very busy and extremely difficult. I've barely slept or eaten and the memories from the past have been haunting me everytime I allow my mind to wonder. Carisi has kept an eye on me making sure I try and taking alternating shifts so I can at least try and rest even if I can't sleep.

"Amanda!" Olivia exclaims, grabbing my attention instantly.

"What was that Liv?"

"We've finally got Charles Patton and I've got Dodds to talk to him to break the news gently."

"Wait we got him?" I say, alarmed.

"Yeah, when you were taking a nap we went and arrested him, he's in room 5 and we are about to go and spectate."

I try and contain the panic before getting up and following everyone else. My mouth becomes incredibly dry and it feels like I'm being choked. When I see Patton through the glass I feel sick to my stomach and I have to try and control the overwhelming urge to throw up or cry. Dodds begins with asking him about Atlanta and why he came over here in the first place. Patton soon figured out where he was taking the conversation and so he begins talking about how he has never been in interrogation before.

"I assume you know why you're here?" Dodds asks.

"I don't know but you know what I think? I think Amanda Rollins put her and you up to this."

"What do you mean? I'm new to all this, tell me."

"Well, you know....she got around. There are reasons she left Atlanta. You ask her about the time she threw herself at me to save her sister, she offered me things that made my eyes water."

Olivia turned the dial down so that we could no longer hear what was going on between Patton and Dodds.

"No one is going to believe what he was saying, its complete bs." Fin says, clearly frustrated with Patton.

"Well actually everyone back home does." I say, fighting back tears.


"Just leave me be, I need to get out of here." I explain, quickly walking out of the spectating room, grabbing my jacket and putting it on as I make my way past all the officers and lawyers waiting to see their clients.

"Amanda wait up, what he said wasn't okay whatsoever but I promise i won't let him near you, just talk to me...." Carisi says, jogging behind me.

I push the doors of the precinct and step out into the cold air and pace around in circles trying to catch my breath. My dry mouth returns and I begin to feel really sick as I allow his words to sink in. The sense of dread engulfing me and making me panic so much I feel like I can't breathe. Carisi grabs me by the shoulders trying to de escalate the panic before I get too overwhelmed. The sudden movement panics me even more and it feels as if I'm back in that bed in the motel room with Patton.


I focus back on him, back in the present yet now I'm more breathless than before and my hands are shaking. Carisi holds me close to him to try and ground me but the panic takes over and I feel like I'm about to throw up. I try and move back slightly before throwing up which made me panic more because as well as throwing up in front of Carisi, I also got vomit on his trousers. Carisi rubs my back until I finish being sick and then I start apologising.

"I am so sorry I threw up on you." I explain, panic evident in my voice.

"I needed to get this suit dry cleaned anyway, I rather you threw up on me than you being in this state alone and terrified, okay? Honestly, it's not the end of the world. Are you okay?"

"I can just keep hearing what he said to me and what everyone else heard. I also think Lexie set this up, she and Patton know I'm pregnant but I only told you." I say, wiping my mouth.

"Okay, well i need to get cleaned up but I'm taking you home with me right now, I'm not leaving you alone when you're in this state. You okay with getting in my car and coming back with me?"

"Yeah okay, I'm too anxious and tired to argue with you. Can you get my spare clothes from my locker? I don't wanna go back in there..."

"Yeah sure, I'll change into some other clothes and then we will go to mine." Carisi explains, giving me a sympathetic smile.

"I'll be back in a minute." 

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