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Amanda P.O.V:

After I feed Jesse, I put her back to bed and walk into the living room where I find Carisi sound asleep on the sofa. I walk up to the kitchen counter and decide to make some coffee for the both of us. I put the kettle on and grab two cups from the cupboard above my head. I place a tablespoon of coffee in each and wait for the kettle to come to the boil. I made the coffee and brought it to the cabinet next to the sofa. I nudge Carisi slightly to try and wake him up, still buzzing from last nights kiss.

"Oh hey. Sorry I fell asleep on your sofa last night I was really tired." Carisi says while rubbing his eyes. He sits up and looks at me.

"Oh yeah, I made you coffee." I smile and place it beside him.

"Thanks Amanda, you didn't have to make this. You mind if I spend the day with you and Jesse? I haven't got work today as Liv wants me to stay around to watch out for you. I mean you can say no..."

"Of course you can Carisi and about the kiss last night...."

"It was amazing." Carisi beams.

I smile back at him with relief and happiness. I finally have the happiness I've been longing for.

"We are gonna have to keep this under wraps for now though right?" I laugh.

"Yeah, there will be a time when it's appropriate to tell Liv."

"So we are officially a thing?" I ask, snuggling up to Carisi and running my hand threw his hair.

"Yeah, you okay with that?"

"Yeah of course you dipshit," I say as we both burst into laughter. "I wouldn't have kissed you otherwise." I explain as we fall silent.

He smiles once again at me and kisses my forehead. My heart flutters and I look back at his coffee.

"Well that isn't going to drink itself you know. I need to get Jesse up now otherwise she won't sleep later." I say as I get off the sofa and wander towards Jesse's room.

He gives me a nod and picks his coffee up as I leave the room. I wake Jesse and change her diaper, get her ready and then bring her to the living room.

"You ready to go out?" Carisi asks.

"Yeah, just let me get Jesse into her pram." I say, wrapping her in a blanket and lifting her into her pram.

The air outside is cold but refreshing, the streets slightly busy and the sky bright. Carisi is the left of me as we walk in Comfortable silence until Jesse starts crying. I'm about to go and pick her up when Carisi leans over and picks her up out of the pram. He gently bounces her and I watch in amazement. He's so good with babies and children generally. I shoot a smile at him and we walk a bit further before deciding to walk back to my place.

When we got back to my house Carisi helps me get Jesse's pram into the house and then he takes her while I go and get my pyjamas on.

"You want me to make some dinner for us?" Carisi asks, flopping down on the sofa beside me.

"You sure? We can order in if you want."

"I can go put something on while you put something on tv. When i get back i can deal with her if you want. I know how it must feel to be a single mother, babies are hard work." Carisi explains, smiling.

"Okay, that sounds like a plan. And thanks for that it's really nice for someone to say that to me you know. I also really appreciate your help, I really do." I say, cheeks glowing a bright shade of red.

It wasn't embarrassment but i don't usually share my feelings like that with people. Carisi wonders into the kitchen and I change Jesse. Once i finish, i lay her in my arms as Frannie comes and sits next to me. I reach for the television remote and put one of my favourite reality tv shows.

"Miss me?" Carisi says as he walks back into the living room and i hand Jesse to him.

"I'm going to go make some popcorn if that's alright."

"Yeah sure, don't worry about me and Jesse. We will be fine and then you can come and relax with us."

I get into the kitchen and reach for a big bag of salted popcorn. I then get a huge glass bowl and pour the contents of the popcorn in. I sidle back into the living room with a big smile on my face as i snuffle into Frannie. I feed Frannie some popcorn and chill with all my favorite things.

"Thank you Carisi."

"Your welcome Amanda, i'm just glad to see you happy."


These are their stories ~ Amanda RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now