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Carisi's P.O.V:

I steadily open my eyes as I awake from my unconscious state. I try to move my limbs but I am soon restricted by the duct tape which has been tied around my wrists and ankles. The silence surrounding me is soon disrupted by loud screaming coming from Amanda's bedroom. It soon dawned on me that Patton was no longer in the room with me which meant he was with Amanda and all I could hear are her screams echoing around her apartment. A tear escapes my eye once I realise what he is doing to her. She is already traumatised enough after the last experience she had with him and now she has to relive that trauma. I groggily fumble around looking for something to get me out of this duct tape. The screaming continues and it shatter my heart hearing her in so much distress. I feel so helpless knowing I can't do anything thing to help her or stop that animal from getting to her. I hate the fact I'm in the same house that Amanda is being assaulted in. By the time this is over she is going to hate me for standing by and doing nothing. She won't be able to look at me the same ever again. Guilt floods over me uncontrollably as I try to block out the pleading screams that bounce around the apartment. I feebly squirm hoping that somehow I could set myself free of these restraints. It was pretty much useless but I felt even worse having to listen to her in pain so it was worth some sort of attempt. About ten minutes later the screaming has ceased and the apartment falls silent. This unnerves me more because I have no idea if she is okay or even still alive. I don't know how long I was out for which means I don't know how long she has been alone with Patton. Suddenly, the bedroom door swings open snapping me out of my thoughts completely.

"Finally your awake, you took your time." Patton laughs sarcastically.

I roll my eyes unable to answer as the duct tape still covers my mouth.

"Oh yeah, let me help you out there Carisi."

The way he said my name made me grimace. He walks over to be and tugs the duct tape off my mouth forcefully. I run my tongue over the rough skin on my lips and sigh.

"Where is she?" I ask, praying she's okay.

"Why do you care?" He asks, rhetorically.

"Because I love her." I admit, feeling defeated.

"Well that's just great. I can tell you this, she's great in bed." He smiles mischievously.

Just as he said that, Amanda staggers out of her bedroom. She looks terrible. Her hair is a complete mess, clothes torn, bloody lip and bruises of varying degrees scattered all over her body. The sight makes me feel sick to my stomach as I am unaware of the damage.

"I heard what you said Carisi, I don't understand how anyone can love me after this." Amanda whispers, tears streaming down her face.

"Hey, don't say that. This piece of shit doesn't know what love is Amanda." I say with tears brimming in my eyes, referring to Patton.

She shakes her head and sinks to the floor sobbing. I give Patton a menacing glare before averting my eyes back to Amanda.

"Let me go over there now." I semi - shout, scaring Amanda further.

"Or going to come after me?" Patton laughs, making Amanda increasingly upset and making me increasingly pissed off.

"No but I can assure you, my squad will not stop looking for you until you are either dead or behind bars." I explain.

"And how will they know it was me or even where I am?" He asks rhetorically as he picks up his gun.

I know what he is getting at. How will they know it was him? They will know because I am a witness and Amanda has been assaulted by him. There was no easy answer to any of this. He could kill us both right here, right now. He could kill himself and not have to worry about any of the consequences or any damage he's caused. He could leave right now and never be seen again, nobody knows. He points the gun between me, Amanda and then himself. Amanda slowly limps over to a cabinet while I try and keep Patton distracted.

"What even is your plan?" I ask, nervously trying to distract him.

"Why would I tell you? What difference is it going to make to you anyway? Your life is in my hands that's all there is to say."

"Well, what are you going to do with that choice?"

"Why do you care so fucking much?!"


He soon realises that I don't care about what he has to say and that I'm being used as a distraction. He spins around to find Amanda reaching for the second gun he left on the side.

"Seriously, I am supposed to be scared? I have a gun too you stupid bitch. The only difference being that I'm not afraid to use it." Patton states angrily.

I quickly glance over at Amanda unsure what she was planning to do with the gun. I close my eyes as I don't want to see Amanda get hurt. I breathe in and out trying to keep myself calm. I listen to Patton shouting at Amanda and suddenly two gunshots ring out from the apartment.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for 1k reads on this book! I really appreciate this, most of you have no idea how much this means to me xx

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