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Olivia P.O.V:

I sit in my office catching up with all of the recent paperwork I haven't been able to do yet. I sigh and lean back knowing I have to finish it all before boredom overtakes me. Tapping my pen gently on the desk, Fin barges through my door with urgency. He takes a couple of deep breathes as if he just ran over to my office and looks me dead in the eyes. A sudden rush of panic floods my body.

"Fin, everything okay? You look like you just ran here." I state in a slight panicked voice.

"It's Amanda. There was the sound of gunshots coming from her apartment about ten minutes ago. She's in trouble." He explains, still trying to catch his breath.

"But I thought Carisi was with her?"

"So did I but something went down. The neighbours reported it to the police who sent it up to us. I was on the phone about two minutes ago to them."

"We need to go now. We need to get backup and a squad car as soon as possible." I instruct before grabbing my jacket and running out my office.

Fin is close behind me as together we gear up before heading outside. Once we get outside we call for backup and get into a squad car. We both have no clue what we are going to walk into when we get there but we both knew it wasn't going to be good.

We soon arrive outside of Amanda's apartment with backup not far behind us. We also have the EMT's on their way to ensure everyone is okay or at least safe. I look over at Fin as we both pull our guns from our holsters and head towards the apartment door. When backup arrives they stay back and let us do our jobs as its one of our own, they are there just in case anything goes wrong. I slowly reach for the door handle and I give Fin the 'Ready to head in' nod and he nods back. I slip through the door and have my gun pointed right in front of me, clearing each room as I go. The apartment is completely silent and looks as if it has been broken into. I signal for Fin to go right as I turn to my right clearing each room quicker. Entering the kitchen, I hear the low mumble of voices. I lean back up against the wall and try and listen to what is being said. I instantly recognise Carisi's Staten Island drawl and I know he is trying to whisper something to who I'm assuming is Amanda. I steadily get up from the wall and find Fin so we can enter together.

"Hey...Fin. I can hear Carisi in there. We should enter in there together but I have no idea what is happening. You ready?" I mumble in a hushed tone.


We both stride up to the living room and brace ourselves for when we enter. I glance over at Fin and hold up three fingers.




We both enter and lower our guns. Carisi is tied up in the corner and Amanda has a gun in her hand pointing it toward the ground. Blood splatters cover one of the walls and a dead body lays in the middle of the room.

"Thank god you guys are here." Carisi says.

"You okay?" I ask alarmed at the blood slowly dripping from his forehead. I run over carefully and sit in front of him with Fin heading over to the deceased.

"Not all of this blood is mine, some of it is his." He explains, pointing over to the body.

"Who is it?"

"Patton." Fin and Carisi say in unison.

"Look I'll be fine, just go help Amanda." Carisi pleads.

"Hey Fin, come over here. Get Carisi out of these ties and get EMT's in here as soon as possible." I explain, taking lead.

Fin dashes straight past me and goes over to Carisi while radioing through for the EMT's to get in here. I approach Amanda from a distance as she stares off into space. She looks terrified and I still need to take the gun away from her.

"Hey Amanda, it's me Olivia. I'm here to help me and in order for me to help you, I need you to put the gun down okay?"

I hold my hands in there to show her that I wasn't going to her but she doesn't move. EMT's are helping Carisi out as I still figure out how to take the gun away from Amanda. I take a couple of steps forward at a time gradually getting closer and closer. Finally, I am able to get close enough to grab the gun.

"Okay Amanda, I am going to take that off you now alright?"

I reach forward and pull it straight out of her hands as she collapses to the floor sobbing. I drop the gun and kick it over to Fin with my foot. I lower myself to the floor and reach around her gently as I pull her into a hug. We sit on the floor as she sobs into my shoulder and I signal for Fin to get the EMT's over here. She is so upset and distressed she doesn't notice me leave and go outside to where Carisi and Fin are.

"Is she going to be okay?" Carisi blurts out as he gets stitches from the gash on the side of his head.

"I'm not sure Carisi but are you okay?"

"I'm just shaken up and feeling a little dizzy probably because of this."He explains, pointing at the wound which was being patched up.

"Well let the EMT's do their job and take it easy okay? Also, what happened back there?"

"I walked into a hostage situation and it ended badly, can this wait? I need to just calm down a bit first."

"Yeah of course, sorry. We can take your statement once you get the all clear by the doctors."

"Thanks Lieu."

"Oh and Carisi, I'm sorry for whatever you had to witness in there. No one should be put into that situation."

"It's not your fault but thanks anyway." He replies, giving me a weak smile.

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