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Lilly's POV:

"My mistake was making you a priority, when I was your second choice."

  I ran and ran, not thinking of anything. I was cold. I was shaking. My mind was blank. I was lost. I didn't know what to do. Or maybe I did. For some reason, I had thoughts of taking my life away. I tripped over something and fell. I hissed in pain when I scraped my knees. I had trouble getting up, but I made it. Instead of running any further, I walked. Thunder was heard in the distance, but I couldn't give a care in the world. The more I walked, the more I got dizzy. My head was spinning. I stopped at a pole and tried to get myself together. While at the pole, I saw a bar across the street. I smiled and crossed without checking for cars. I entered and took a seat. "What can I get for you ma'am?" "Give me the strongest drink you have." "Coming right up."

I looked around the bar and only a few people were to be seen. "Your drink ma'am." The bar tender said giving me a glass. I chugged it down and bitterness filled my mouth. I couldn't stand but to make a disgusted face. "Give me another one!" I shouted and he smiled. I chugged it down once again and I heard the bell ring which meant someone entered the bar. Nausea filled me but I couldn't stop now. "Looks like someone has been having it rough." A guy said, sitting beside me. "You got that right! You must be so lucky! I bet no one has ever cheated on you before!" I said without realizing I was drunk. "Yes, thats true, because I've never had a girlfriend." "Well I find that hard to believe Mr. Handsome!" "What do you say I but you a drink?" "I would love that." I smiled. "We'll have two more please." He told the bar tender. My vision blurred for a second but went back to normal when the guy handed my my drink. Just as I was about to drink it, it was taken out of my hands and I saw the guy get punched in the face. I turned to the side side and saw Jimin.

"What was that for?!" I said drunkly. He grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me to the door. "Your drunk." "Wait! What about the guy? You punched him!" "Lilly listen to me! He spiked your drink! Tell me this, do you even know his name?" He looked at me seriously. I looked down and he sighed. He pulled me by the wrist harshly and we went out of the bar. He opened the door and put me in. He then got in the car and started driving, and I soon passed out.

Jimin's POV:

"What the hell did you do with her?!" I yelled angrily, walking into her apartment. Jin was sitting on the couch, staring at a blank wall. " I didn't do anything." I was mad enough and he was making me lose it. I grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him the the wall. "I swear to god if you hurt her again I will never be able to forgive you." "She"s not the only one who's hurt! Don't you think I'm hurt?! Don't you think it hurts me to see you guys together?!" "Well thats not my problem! You cheated on her!" "I didn't cheat on her!" "Im going to ask you again. Where is she?" "I don't know. She left." "So you did hurt her." I said letting go. I looked around and noticed her stuff was lying around the floor. I ran out of the house and got in my car. I drove like a maniac until I was near a bar. I got out and walked around to see if she was anywhere in sight, although the rain was making it hard. In the corner of the street, I saw to figures. "There's a girl in there if you want her. Looks like she's a collage student. Im sure you can get her." "Oh trust me, I will." One of them said and entered the bar. I thought for a while until it hit me. Lilly!

I crossed the street and entered to bar. I looked around and spotted the two, and sure enough the guy spiked Lilly's drink. Lilly almost drank it but I grabbed it and smashed it on the floor, then punched the guy. I grabbed Lilly by the wrist and took her to my house.

Lilly's POV:

I groaned at the painful headache I had. I sat up and felt it immediately. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet. I heard footsteps coming in and pulling back my hair and rubbing my back, but they wouldn't say anything. After all that, I calmed down and they handed me a glass of water. After drinking some of it they helped me up and brought me back to bed. After realizing who it was I called out their name. "Jimin!" I said but he ignored me and left the room. He came back and put pills in my hand. "Take them." I did as I was told and drank some water after. He was about to leave me again but I grabbed him by the wrist. He looked at my hand and then me without saying a word, but he finally spoke after some time. "Let go." "Why are you mad?" "I don't have to answer if I don't want to." "Jimin!" He let out a sigh and removed my hand from his wrist. "Because I was worried. Happy now?" He said, about to leave. "Im sorry. I didn't mean to. I know what I did was stupid, and I'm sorry. But please don't leave me." I said, tears threatening to form in my eyes. He stood in the door way and sighed. He turned around and came and hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. You know I would never leave you. Ever." He said but pulled back and faced me. "But please don't do that to me again. If I wasn't their on time, I could've lost you. I was scared." "I'm sorry." I said, putting my head down, but he tilted it back up and gave me a sweet and passionate kiss. "I forgive you." He said and smiled.

"I'm not perfect,
but I'm still me.
The same guy
who holds you
in my arms
because you're
all that matters to me."

A/N: Sorry for he short chapter! I'll make the next one longer! Love you!♥️

Me And My Handsome Roommate [k.sj] {INCOMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now