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Lilly's POV:

It's already been a few weeks since I started school and they've been pretty good. I started hanging out with Jimin more and I guess he's like a teacher assistant or something for a dance class since he's really good so he offered to take me to school so that's why Jin could just pick me up. We've been getting closer and closer each day and I've also gotten closer to Woozi. Turns out I have him for almost all my classes including art so he's been like a best friend to me. I've made some other friends too but I mostly hang with Woozi. He's pretty cool once you get to know him he's funny and can be weird at times but honestly I know someone way weirder. *cough* TAEHYUNG *cough*

Classes ended so I headed to the parking lot with Woozi because he offered to walk with me. I couldn't deny it because he's my best friend so I agreed. Now that I think about it I haven't really told Jin about him. Opps.

We reached the car and I could see Jin watching us. I couldn't really read his expression. It was an expression I haven't seen before. Wait a minute. Oh no it's that expression. "Thanks for walking me Woozi! I'll see you tomorrow ok?" "Tomorrow is Saturday silly!" "Oh right. Well I'll see you Monday." "Alright I'll see you Monday. Bye Lilly!" He said patting my head before waving to me while he walked to his car. I hopped into Jin's car and I could already feel his stare. "What have I said before? I said that if I ever made guy friends that you don't have to worry because I have you and I will only have you. Plus we're nothing more than friends! Well best friends but nothing more! I love you and I will only love you! Kind of what like you said right? 'I will always be by your side no matter what happens. I will always love you with all my heart.'"

  Once he heard me say those words his eyes widened so big I don't think I've seen them like that before. "You- y-you heard me?!?" "Of course I did! You do realize that you made me hit my foot on something while you carried me right? After that I woke up but still pretended to be asleep. Then I heard you say that." "Oh." He said, his cheeks turning into a darker and darker shade of red while he rubbed the back of his neck. "Mianhae." "It's alright. Luckily there was just a little bruise. Now come on! Lets go home! I'm tired!!" I whined like a baby making him laugh.

  "Who's car is that???" I asked looking at the car that was parked I front of the apartment. "I don't know." Jin said parking the car. We walked to the front door to see... "Yuma!" I yelled giving her a hug. "Lilly!" She also yelled giving me a hug back. "How are you??" I asked. "I'm doing fine! What about you?? Anything I missed??" "Umm no I just started going to the university... oh right you don't know huh! Me and Jin are dating!" Her eyes grew big like saucers. "What?!"

Jin's POV:

"What?!" Uh oh. She knows. Please please please don't cry. Not in front of Lilly please don't! "I um.. I forgot I have to be somewhere. Maybe I can come back tomorrow. See you. And con-congratulations by the way." She said giving a fake smile and leaving. Phew! That was close. So it is true? She still does have feelings for me? I'm sorry but I can't. I love Lilly now. "Well that was weird." Lilly said blankly. "Yup." I said opening the door and holding it open for Lilly.

The day went by quicker than usual and it was already starting to get dark. We were in the living room on the couch watching a drama while I was crying and Lilly was just laughing at me for crying. "Stob it! It's not my fault! I get to emotional with dramas!" "Well maybe you should stop watching them." "Don't you dare take away my babies!" She laughed so hard that she had to hold her stomach and I just sat there still crying. It started to get late so we said goodnight to each other and went to bed.

~Next Day~

  I woke up from the sun shining into my room through my window. Finally it was Saturday!! Mmm where should I take Lilly today?? Oh! What about bowling?! That would be fun! Or what about skating? Mhmmm which one would she like? Well she likes to compete against other people like when we played laser tag. So maybe bowling is better. Or is there anything else? Oh! Isn't the theme park today? Isn't just like where they have little mini games and places to eat. That would be perfect! I could ask her but that would just ruin it. Theme park it is!

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