Another Surprise?

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Lilly's POV:

No matter how many times Jin tried to convince me that he wasn't hiding something, I never believed him. But hey, it's not my fault I have trust issues. It didn't seem like he was hiding anything bad, I just knew he was hiding something. I was dying to know but at the same time I didn't want to snoop around. Weird thing is, Jimin was acting a bit strange too. Just a bit. Although just like Monday, we went out on Wednesday. We weren't out for too long, just about an hour or so. They both always tried it distract me, giving me less time to work on the birthday surprise.

Our birthday's were next week! Good thing Jin's was on Friday. It gave me at least another week, but I had to think fast so I could get whatever I needed like decorations and stuff. Now it was Friday, the last day before we went off the winter break. I was excited but also stressing. I didn't know if I should be worried about them being weird about everything. I tried asking Jin questions but I also didn't want to sound annoying or whatever. It was only yesterday when he seemed normal, mostly. Most of the week he was on his computer, just like Monday...

"Hey baby." Jin cooed as I got in the car. School was finally over!! Yay!! Well just for winter break anyways. And yeah, Jin started calling me 'baby' which I find kinda cute. "Hello Mr. Worldwide Handsome." I cooed back mockingly, giving him a kiss. I unwrapped my scarf since he had the heating on, making it warm inside the car.

"Ready for winter break?" He said cheerfully. "Hell yeah!!" I said with the same excited tone as him. He chuckled and started to drive out of the parking lot. "You up for a hot cocoa date?" He asked, his eyes on the road. "What kind of question is that. Of course I'm up for it!"

Jin's POV:

  My plan had gone exactly how I wanted it to go. She was clueless about everything, thanks to Jimin. This birthday plan is going to be amazing! On Monday I really wasn't working at the studio. I'm sure you guessed that already. I had been planning to take Lilly somewhere for her birthday and I'm sure she'll be absolutely amazed. Although this is kind of an early birthday present. I packed her stuff on Monday when she was with Jimin and mines on Wednesday. I packed it on Monday after I was finished with Lilly's stuff but didn't get to finish so I told Jimin to take her out again.

  Everyone was in on this plan. Me, the guys, and Mark. Even Mark's friends have volunteered to help out. We thought it would be fun to spend our winter break somewhere and since it was Lilly's birthday it would be perfect. We would leave tonight right after Lilly fell asleep. Once she is, I would carry her out to the car and by morning we would be there. Then, on her birthday, Wednesday, I had planned a little surprise for her...

~Time skip~

It was time. The guys got here just on time. I have to admit, it was kind of ridiculous. It was such a big group that they had all crammed themselves up in 3 cars, plus with all their luggage. We'd be staying there for at least two weeks. Luckily me and Lilly would be driving alone ;)

I met them outside and they all looked like zombies. It was at least 1 in the morning. I needed Lilly to be deep in sleep. I had drank coffee nonstop since from this morning. Yeah I know, it's bad but I'm gonna be driving all night, I need to be able to stay awake. I had already made a cup for when we were on the road. Namjoon, Mark and Jackson had also rested beforehand or drank coffee since they would be driving also.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Jungkook whisper shouted and jumped around, along with Yugyeom. I playfully rolled my eyes at there actions. Of course the youngest would still be full of energy. "Okay, go ahead and use the restrooms now if you need to or whatever while I put Lilly in the car. If you guys want snacks there are some in the kitchen pantry. There's some cold waters in the fridge, and try not to be too loud, we need to keep Lilly asleep. And don't make a mess either or I'll making you guys clean it up." I glare at them, specifically Jungkook and Taehyung. "Yes sir." Namjoon says, making me roll my eyes again. Some go in the apartment while some go back into the car to wait for the rest.

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