The Break Up

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Jimin's POV:

After Jin hung up I sat up in bed and looked next to me. Lilly was peacefully sleeping. I was admiring her features when something interrupted me. My growling stomach. I groaned, to lazy to make food, but got up anyways. I yawned while brushing my messing bed hair back. I went down the the kitchen and looked through the cabinets, deciding on what to eat. After I finally found something and heard a sneeze from the room. I knew it was Lilly but I didn't really do anything about it. I just figured it was a regular sneeze but it soon turned to 3 more sneezes and then coughs. I went back to the room and saw her shaking under the covers. I went and checked her forehead. "Aish this girl. Now she has a fever." I said to myself. I went and grabbed a towel and wet it. I squeezed the water out and went to the bedroom and placed it on her forehead. Then I went back to the kitchen and decided to make some porridge. I know I'm not the best cook in the world but I just can't let her get sick.

After making it I placed it on a tray and some medicine and a cup of water beside it. I went back up to the bedroom and placed it on the nightstand. "Lilly~" I sang, hoping to wake her up. I slightly shook her and soon after her eyes slowly opened. "Hey. Finally you wake up." I said smiling. She smiled but quickly turned her head and coughed. I helped her sit up and grabbed the bowl of porridge. I grabbed a spoonful and blew on it to make sure it was cool enough. "Sorry if it doesn't taste as good." I said, slowly putting the spoon in her mouth. She slowly ate it and a big smile appeared. "What are you talking about? This is good!" She said. "Really?" I said in disbelief.

She nodded and grabbed the bowl out of my hand. Then she grabbed a spoonful and blew on it and put it near my mouth for me to eat it. I opened my mouth and she put the spoon in. I smiled thinking she was right. I rarely make good food but this time it was pretty good. I took the bowl back and continued to feed her. After I gave her the medicine she drank the water. I left the water on the nightstand while I took back the tray with the bowl. I washed them and went back to the room. I saw her still waiting for me and I went and sat next to her. "You should get some rest. Jin said to take you back before it gets dark. You still have time." She nodded and I helped her lay back down. She cuddled under the covers and I put the bedsheets over her. She closed her eyes but then opened them after a few seconds. "Is there something wrong?" I asked concerned. "I can't go to sleep anymore." She pouted. I chuckled at her pouty face and sat closer to her.

"Mmm, what about a song?" "You would do that?" "Mhm. Of course I would. I usually don't sing but your a good friend." Also your the girl I like. "Okay." She smiled. "What song?" "Surprise me." I started to think of a song and started singing once I knew what song to do. I started to sing to Serendipity.

"Let me love, let me love you~" I sang, finishing off the song. For Lilly it just might be one of my songs but to me it felt like I actually meant it. I looked back at her and she was asleep. I pulled the covers higher to her and gave her a small kiss on the forehead before walking out and closing my bedroom door quietly. I walked back down to the living room and sat down and watched some tv.

  After a couple of hours of watching tv I picked up my phone and saw missed calls from Jin. I looked at the time and realized it was way past the afternoon. God damn it! He's probably worried. I got up the couch and ran up to my room. I slowly woke up Lilly and helped her with her stuff to the car. We drove back to Jin's place and soon after we got there. We rang the door bell but no one answered. Lilly took out her keys and unlocked the door and we walked in. I placed her stuff down in her room and went back to the living room. I still remember that one day where we tried to get it out of them. I asked Lilly while the guys tried to get it out of Jin. But it was also when Jungkook ran into her. I was also scared that she might not wake up but I got lucky.

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