Done And Done

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Jin's POV:

Weeks went by, and nothing has ever happened.

Ive tried talking to her, giving her gifts, making her food, getting close to her, but nothing wouldn't work. I was really getting mad, at both me and her.
*Ding dong*
I got off the couch and opened the door for Yuma. I motioned her to sit on the couch and she did. "So, I was thinking, maybe trick her into going somewhere? You know? Maybe say something like, your parents aren't feeling well. Then she'd feel sorry and go to the hospital with you but in actuality, you'll take her to a nice dinner or-" "stop it." "Wh-what?" "I said stop it! I'm done! I'm not doing anything else! I can't handle it! I've tried everything you told me! And nothing is working! She hates me! And I can't change that!" I said throwing myself on the couch. "I'm done."

"Okay..." I heard her say, and her actions made it clear she was uncomfortable. "Yuma," "Yeah?" She said turning to me. "Be my girlfriend again." I said. "Wait what? Your seriously going to give up on Lilly just like that?! Think about what your doing Jin! Listen to yourself! I've seen you with Lilly and I've seen how much you cared for her! Worried about her! Loved her!" "Enough! I don't want to hear her name anymore! I told you! I'm done! Now please, end my misery and make me happy again." I looked at her with beady eyes. "I don't know Jin..." she said. As she was about to look away, but I stopped her on time by pressing my lips against hers. I kissed her, and she wouldn't kiss back. But then she did.

She pulled back and looked at me. "If it makes you happy, then I guess I'll do it for you." She said, making me smile.

Jimin's POV:

  "And that's what happened." I said, explaining the last part of the story. Since Jin and Lilly haven't been together, the guys had been suspicious of something. "Aish that hyung..." Namjoon said in disappointment. "Don't worry Lilly! I can cheer you up!" Hoseok said, trying to make Lilly brighten up. "Hey Lilly, I'm still single. Forget about that old man." Taehyung said. "He's not the old man. Yoongi hyung is." Jungkook said nonchalantly. "Shut your mouth before I use a pacifier to shut you up, baby." Suga said with swag. "Grandpa." Jungkook mumbled under his breath. "Hey hey hey, no one is getting my sister." Mark said making everyone frown.

  "Guys she's already taken." I said calmly. "What?! By who?!" The said in unison. "By me."

~One week ago~

  Me and Lilly were walking on the pier, looking at little kids run around and laugh. We walked down the the beach and I quickly grabbed her hand once we reached the water and turned her to look at me. She looked at me with big eyes, not knowing what I was doing. I held her hands and looked at her in the eyes. "Lilly, I know you've been going through a lot and I'm sorry about everything. That's why I want to be with you and stay by your side and protect you. So, will you be my girlfriend?" "Jimin ah, I don't-" "you don't have to answer me now, take your time. Take all you want." I said and looked at my feet. "Yes." I looked up and searched her eyes to see if she was joking but I didn't find anything. "You will?!" "Yes, Jimin. I'll be your girlfriend." "Thank you, Lilly." I said and pulled her by the waist, giving her a passionate kiss.


"Well, hurt her and your dead. Also, where do you keep your sharpest knife? I have some business to take care of." Mark said getting up. "No need to. I'll make sure to protect Lilly from Jin." I said reassuringly, putting my arm around Lilly. She looked up at me and gave me a peck on my cheek, causing me to smile. I loved how it felt when Lilly would do these kind of things. It felt good to show my feelings and not hide them, to express my feelings. Although I've had girlfriends before, Lilly felt somewhat special. She's not like any of my other girlfriends who were always clingy and called and texted me like every minute. Sure, we did text, but she didn't text me every minute.

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