Finding Out

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Mark's POV:

After I had woken up I decided that I would go to Lilly's apartment to give her Momo. First I had taken a shower and quickly eaten breakfast and went to Lilly's room to get Momo. I looked for anything else she might need but she pretty much packed everything except Momo. I grabbed Momo and locked the front door and got in my car.

The drive wasn't that long since there wasn't any traffic. I grabbed the extra key that Lilly gave me for the apartment and opened the door. Once I walked in the house I noticed other stuff that didn't belong to Lilly. Her new roommate must have came already. I walked into a room that I saw Lilly unpack her stuff in when I had helped her the other day and I stood in the doorway not seeing one, but two bodies under the covers. I put Momo on the desk and walked a little closer to the bed. Once I had saw a guys face blood boiled in my body from anger and I jumped into the guy and he instantly woke up. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING TO MY SISTER! GET OFF OF HER!" I shouted rolling off the bed with him. "OWWWWW!" He shouted. Then I heard Lilly. "MARK GET OFF OF HIM ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" She yelled and pulled me off of the guy. Damn she may be my little sister but she is strong. "Great thanks a lot now you ruined this worldwide handsome face." The guy said carefully touching his cut lip and the cut on his cheek. "Mark stay here. Come on Jin." Lilly said helping the guy up who I'm assuming is Jin. Then she left the room.

Lilly's POV:

After I had pulled Mark off of Jin I helped him up and took him to the bathroom. Then I took out the medical kit and started treating Jin's cuts. Then I had put a cream on it so it doesn't get an infection. "Your brothers a jerk. He ruined this worldwide handsome face!" Said said pointing to his face. "Just shut up and let me take care of your cuts." After putting some other stuff I put the medical kit away. "Thank you Lilly." Jin said smiling. I smiled back. "No problem. Now go wait in the living room while I go get my brother." He sighed before nodding and leaving the bathroom. Then I went back to my room and found Mark sitting on my bed. "You didn't get hurt either, did you?" Instead of looking up at me and answering he just stayed quite and looked at his feet. "Look, I know your mad-" "furious." He said quietly. "Alright, furious then. I was going to tell you tomorrow when I came over. I wanted to tell you in person better that through text or phone call." "So he's your roommate?" "Yes. But trust me I didn't know it was going to be a guy. Once you get to know his he's actually really nice. I cooked dinner last night and he said it was amazing." "But why was he sleeping with you?" "That... I have no idea. Come on let's go talk in the living room. I need to find out myself."

We walked out of my room and into the living room where Jin was waiting. "Ok so since you guys got off on the wrong foot, introduce yourself. "I'm Mark Tuan." "I'm Kim Seokjin." They said not looking at each other. "Come on please don't be like this. Your my roommate and your my brother so you guys are gonna have to get along no matter what. Now, Mark, why did you attack Jin?" "Because I was trying to protect you." "And Jin, why were in my bed?" "Because... I heard you calling your mom and dad and that you missed them and that why did they have to leave you and Mark. You were also shaking and jumping from the thunder so I got in the bed and hugged you and you stopped shaking. And then I fell asleep." After that I couldn't speak. He actually did that? Awww he's so sweet! "Oh... ok. See Mark. I told you he's nice. Now say your sorry to each other and give each other a bro hug or whatever guys do. I don't know just do something." They both hesitated before saying sorry and giving each other fist pumps. "Great! Now who's hungry!" "I already ate a bowl of cereal but I'm always up for your cooking!" Mark said.

  While Mark and Jin were taking I was making waffles with eggs. While the waffles were cooking I was cutting strawberries and bananas to put on the waffles. Then I got the whip cream and set it on the dining table with the strawberries and bananas. Once I made enough waffles for all of us I started to make eggs for the each of us. Once I was done I put the waffles and eggs in three plates and set them on the dining table where the strawberries, bananas and whip cream were at. "Breakfast is ready!" Once I yelled that out the guys came running over to the dining table and sat down. "This looks so good!" Jin didn't even say anything and started eating. "Lilly this is amazing!" I laughed and thanked him and started eating my own waffles. And he was right they were good.

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