Grab Donnie's Face Day!

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(Original By @MarvelTmntGirl)

Grab Donnie's Face Day!!

Special thanks to for the FABULOUS~o ideas!


"Today's the fifteenth.. Today's the fifteenth.. Today's the fifteenth.." Donnie murmurs in his dark room, hugging his knees and rocking to and fro. (like me at that certain part in The Power Inside Her)
"I must protect it... it needs protecting!" He mutters, standing up and making his bed, then slipping on his belt and mask. As quietly as he can, Donatello sneaks out of his room and to his Lab. Tiptoeing to the Shell Raiser, he enters, only to emit a deafening scream.

"Morning Donnie!" Raphael grins wickedly as his large green hands grab his younger brothers face, giving it a good shake. "How'd you sleep?"

"O-oh.. just... f-fine," Donnie stumbles out of the Shell Raiser in a daze, his eyes round and white from shock.

"Mikey made your favorite breakfast by the way!" Raph chuckles as he walks out, with Donnie staggering behind.

"H-he grabbed my face.. they'll all grab my-" Donnie's distressed whispering is interrupted when Leonardo jumps out from behind the corner and grabs Donnie's face, wearing his signature grin.

"Good morning brother-o-mine!" He cheers, clapping a hand to Donnie's shoulder after releasing his face.

"Mmhmm.." Donnie hums, his beautiful face sour as he enters the kitchen.

"DONNIE!!!" Michelangelo shouts, grabbing his face and shaking it enthusiastically before crushing him in a hug.
"Morning bro!"

"Hi Mikey," Donnie greets back with a small grin, already feeling bruises forming on his face.

"Good morning my sons," Splinter greets his sons, walking in the kitchen. Donnie holds his breath, watching as Master Splinter takes a cheese-sickle and walks past him. Donnie smiles, letting out his breath, only for Splinter to speak:

"Oh wait, I'm afraid I forgot something," with a grin, Splinter backtracks and grabs Donnie's face. "An especially good morning to you, Donatello." Then he leaves.

"Whyyyyyyyy?!" Donnie shouts as his brothers grab his face again, laughing. Donnie grabs his plate of food and retreats to the Lab, soon after screaming: "They're grabbing my face!! They're grabbing my face!! My face is NOT meant to be GRABBED!!"

And everything else goes as it normally does on the fifteenth. Donnie hides in the Lab, trying his hardest to work and not give in to daydreaming about before this holiday was created by Mikey and.... Leather Head. When his face was free and safe from grabby hands who attacked his face for mere entertainment.

Daydreams always win on the fifteenth.

It was always at 7:00 that the Lair shook with every footstep as the guests drew near. Donnie listens as greetings and 'how've you been's are exchanged at the entrance, then the group enters the Lab.

"H-hello Leather Head.. Slash. Dr. Rockwell.." Donnie greets with a nervous smile.

"Hello Donatello," LH smiles a toothy smile, grabbing Donnie's face and shaking him like a ragdoll. "And Happy Grab Donnie's Face Day!"

As every year, Slash and Dr. Rockwell go after Leather Head, not shaking Donnie as much as LH unintentionally does. Afterwards, everyone besides Donnie gathers around and feasts upon pizza, while Donnie stay in the Lab and gets over his nausea, and continues to daydream of his face's free days.


"Hey Raph?"

"Yeah Mikey?"

"When do you think Donnie will eat pizza with us on GDF Day?"

Raph smiled and pat Mikey's shoulder as he answered.
"I think pretty soon. Probably next year."


"I see a light!!"

"Shoosh! They'll hear us!"

"Nearly there!"

"Omg this is sooo exciting!!"

Hesitant eyes peeked around the corner, sparkling with delight when they saw the Lair, in all its glory.

"CHARGE!!" A female with curly dark brown hair commands, a mob of fangirls and boys storming into to Lair, to the surprise of the ninja turtles.

"Whats going on?!"

"An invasion!" A random girl shouts.

"Who are you people?!"

"I'm Cece!"

"Is that my face on your shirt?!?"

"Yuppers Leo-bear!"

"Yay!! New friends!!"

All four of the guys shriek when one random girl runs over and somehow slips off their masks, running around and laughing like a crazy person.

"Fan people!" Someone in the sea of invaders shouts, "join me in grabbing Donnie's beautiful face!!"

Screams and squeals follow as all the people flee to the Lair, hands ready to grab Donnie's fabulouso face and kiss it.

The End.

Yes yes, I know, "Marvel, why on earth did you make ANOTHER book when you've been hinting at a plan in your current one, and you've secretly been planning.... 5 more!!?!?!"

Well my dears, I felt that Grab Donnie's Face Day and Raphael's birthday shouldn't be ignored so... *gestures to this book* VOILÀ.


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