Valentine's Crooked Arrow - Leo

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(These next four are all from Marvel!)

"I'm going to meet the Ninja Turtles.. I might get to set foot in the Lair.. my hands are shaking like crazy.. holy cow I haven't woken up.. this is actually happening! Oh boy, remember to breathe Y/n.." You murmur to yourself as you zip into the greenish light of the portal, momentarily blinding you. You wait and watch nervously as the light begins to dim and the sphere-thing you're sitting in slows to a halt, leaving you in all-too familiar surroundings; a rooftop in New York city.

A sound escapes your throat, almost like a strangled, muffled squeak/squeal. You cover your mouth in case an actual squeal or scream tries to break free as you observe your surroundings with wide eyes. Slowly, you step out of the sphere-thingy and it disappears almost immediately. You gasp and jump back in surprise.

"Well," you murmur, walking to the edge of the rooftop. "At least I'm not stranded in The Hunger Games.."
You smile and take in the view for a moment before climbing down the fire escape into the alley below and slowly push away the sewer cover. The sudden smell of.. that, makes you gag and cover your mouth and nose. You groan and cover your face with your shirt before jumping in.


After who knows how long (about an hour), you finally found it. The warm light of the Lair causes tears to well up in your eyes as you sneak closer and peek in, placing a hand over your heart at the sight inside.

Leonardo sits in front of the tv, chanting Captain Ryan's words in sync with the show.
Raphael is doing pushups next to the Shredder dummy.
A loud KABOOM tells you Donatello is in the Lab, doing who knows what.
And you can hear Mikey laughing as he cooks in the kitchen.

You bite your lip as you think of how to get in. After a minute or so, you sigh.
"Ah screw it.." you mutter as you walk right in, ignoring the last shred of sensibility you hold screaming that you're crazy. You already know that.
"Hello!" You greet with a wave, gaining the attention of.. everybody. Leo turns away from his show to look at you, Raph halts in mid-pushup and stares at you with the most perplexed expression ever, the sound of shattering glass comes from the Lab as Donnie runs out, Mikey sticks his head out of the kitchen to see what the commotion is all about, and Splinter walks out of the Dojo to see who the strangers voice belongs to.

"Who the shell are you?!" Raph questions. You grin. His voice is as hot as ever.

"I-I'm Y/n," you tangle your fingers together, biting your lip as your nervousness begins to take over your speech and mind.

"How did you find the Lair??" Leo stands up and stares at you with a concerned look. You practically melt under his gaze.

"I-I-It took me a-a while.." you gulp as you blush.
-This was a stupid idea! Run! Get out while you can!!- That annoying, sensible part of your mind screams again. You block it out.

"She doesn't look dangerous.." Donnie remarks, speaking for everyone in the room.

"A-and I'm not," you start, "unless I get very excited." You chuckle to yourself.

"What do you want?" Raph snaps with irritation. Ah, you were waiting for that.

"You don't wanna know." You smirk. Raph expresses horror and shock, muttering under his breath as he walks to the kitchen. Donnie returns to the Lab, staying near the door just in case. Leo sits on the couch, tense and aware of every move you make. Splinter returns to the Dojo.

You smile and sit next Leo, blushing lightly as you think.


"S-so, you're Leo.." you start, locking eyes with him as he turns to you.

"Yeah.. how do you know my name?" He asks.

"I know a lot of things," you slide closer to him, "Captain."

Leo blushes as he leans back and looks at you with pure confusion.

"I'll be the Celestial to your Captain Ryan~" You smirk.


"Has anyone ever told you you have stars in your eyes~?"

"What are you talking about??"

"Will you be my fearless leader~?"

Leo looks at you for a moment before laughing.

"Y-you're r-r-really bad a-a-at this," he says between laughs.

You giggle.
"Can't say I didn't try!" You reply. Leo chuckles and takes a deep breath.

"That Space Heroes one wasn't bad," he points out. You blush and smile.

"Thanks," you chuckle.

"Where are you from?" He suddenly asks. "You're definitely not from around here, and no one has ever stumbled upon the Lair."

You bit your lip. He was right. It was nearly impossible to find the Lair if you didn't know about it.
"I'm from another dimension!" You smile like what you just said isn't crazy.

Leo's eyes bulged out.
"Seriously?? H-how did you get from your dimension to ours??"

You chuckled.
"I um.. sorta broke into Fan People United HQ and secretly, sorta illegally came here.."

"Are we harboring a wanted criminal!?" Leo jumped away from you slightly. You smirked and leaned closer to him, causing him to lean away.

"Yeah, Im'ma fugitive~ wanna know my charges~?" You smirk grows as you see red spread across Leo's face.

"N-no thanks," he replies nervously.

"Good, 'cause I couldn't think of anything." You giggle, causing him to laugh.

"You're funny Y/n," he remarks with a warm smile.

You blush lightly.
"N-no I'm not.. I'm crazy!" You laugh lightly.

"How are you crazy?" Leo asks, scooting closer.

"I stole a Dimension Jumper, just walked in here without a plan... and everyone back home told me for years.." you mutter the last one in a fairly low voice, making Leo have to lean closer to hear you.

"You don't seem very crazy. You're sorta a cute crazy," he smirks. You look at him, blushing a dark red from his closeness.

"Th-thanks.." you murmur softly. Leo smiled and kisses your cheek in return.

"You're welcome," he replies before sitting back up. Your eyes widen as you touch your cheek.

"Wh-what was that for?" You ask with a shocked expression.

"Do I really need a reason?"

"No but it'd be nice to have one."

Leo chuckles and looks at you again.
"Don't you know what day it is?" He asks with a grin.

"Sorta lost track," you shrug slightly.

Leo's grin grows wider as he leans closer to you once again.

"It's Valentines day, silly~"

And that was when you fainted.

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