Valentine's Crooked Arrow - Raph

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You run through the sewers, huffing and puffing all the while. Heavy footsteps sound behind you, splashing in the murky water. You skid slightly as you make a sharp left turn, then a sudden right and hide in a pipe. The feet run past you and out of earshot, causing you to smirk, and your heartbeat to slow down in relief.

-Just like in the movies..- You grin as you run in the opposite direction.
"Now to find the Lair.." you mutter to yourself as you run. After a while of walking around the dark sewers and making wrong turns, you find it. An abandoned subway station with the warm golden glow of the Lair causing shadows to stretch out. You bite your lip as you walk closer and peek in, smiling at the sight and sounds inside.

Leonardo sits in front of the tv, chanting Captain Ryan's words in sync with the show.
Raphael is doing pushups next to the Shredder dummy.
A loud KABOOM tells you Donatello is in the Lab, doing who knows what.
And you can hear Mikey laughing as he cooks in the kitchen.

Your eyes stick to Raph, mostly his arms, your e/c orbs wide as you watch him go up and down, performing perfect push ups like their nothing. He huffs out each time he goes up and grunts as he goes down. You struggle to keep your thoughts orderly and nice.

(pppft, what is this? Torture?!)

Where you were standing had a lot of gravel on the ground. It might've been purposely put there to announce arrivals and give away spies. If so, it did its job. You moved ever-so-slightly, an the gravel crunched under your shoes. The first one to run out and see you was the one closest to the entrance. Raphael.

"Who the shell are you?!" Raph glared, although you saw a hind of curiosity behind his harsh stare.

"A-a um... Y/n," you answer shyly.

"A Y/n?" Raph repeats with a raised 'brow'. "So you're one of many Y/ns? Like how you say this is a zebra, meaning one zebra in the species of zebras?"

"Don't make fun of my nervous blabbering!" You pout, crossing your arms. Raph can't help but laugh at this.

"Sorry Y/n," he crosses his arms as he looks you up and down. "So why are you peeking into our home?" He interrogated with a cold stare.

"I-I uh.. y-y-you see I-I um.." you stutter and stumble over your words, a dark blush spreading across your face with embarrassment.

Raph frowns and looks at you funny, as if he's trying to figure you out like a puzzle.
"Well if all you're gonna do is stutter and blush, I guess it would hurt for you to come in," he muttered as he grabbed your hand and pulled you into the Lair.

Your eye widen at his words as you're dragged in and set on the couch, in a panicked, blushing trance while you try to sort your thoughts.

-{You need to run! get out while you can!} • Scared pile.-

-{Hey, Leo is looking at me funny. I should take a picture!} • Sensible Fangirl pile.-

-{Omg Raph touched my hand, does that mean I shouldn't wash it ever again?? Ahhh he's looking at me what do I say??!! *GAAASSSSSPPP* HE'S SITTING NEXT TO MEEEE AND HE'S STILL SORTA SWEATY FROM THOSE SMEXY PUSHUPS SOMEONE HAAAALLPPPP!!!} • Frantic Nervous Fangirl pile.-

(My personal favorite.)

"So.... why are you here?" Raph's smooth, low, husky voice in your ear causes you to jump and snap out of your thoughts to turn to him and realize he's VERY close to you face. You could kiss him right then and there by just shifting a centimeter.

"I-I don't work with Shredder," you blurt out.

Raph nods.
"Ok.. not what I asked but a good fact to know. So why are you here?"

"I-I uh.. w-wanted to see y-you guys.." you murmur. Raph raises an eye ridge at this.

"You, wanted to see us? Why the heck would you want to walk around the stinky sewers on Valentines Day??" He asks with a confused look.

"Better than crying all day over the fact I'm single," you shrug slightly.

Raph's eyes widen slightly at this, thinking of what to say next.
"Well uh.. I guess we're honored you thought of us this year," he smiled somewhat jokingly. You chuckled in return.

"I think of you every year Raphie~" you speak without thinking. Once you realize what you said, you mentally shrug and decide to roll with it.

"I-I um.." Raph blushed as his green eyes widened in surprise.

"I think of you every day in fact~" you smirk as you lean closer to him.


But at least a civilized creep.)

"Y-you d-do?" Raph stuttered out as he leaned away.

"Mmhmm~ every second of every minute of every hour of every. day.."

"Wh-why?" He asked as his expression turned from shocked to embarrassed to very flustered.

"Because," you scoot closer to him with a grin. "I've always dreamed of being your Valentine~"

Raph blushed as dark as his mask as he looked at you with wide green eyes before very slowly leaning in and kissing you gently. Why he was kissing you, you both had no idea. He had just met you a few minutes ago and for some reason he was hopelessly drawn to you.

Once you parted, Raph grinned sheepishly.
"Um.. s-so that happened.." he muttered as his face still mimicked his mask's color.

"Yes it did," you chuckle. Raph smiles down at you, causing you to blush in return.

"Happy Valentines Day Y/n," he whispers to you.

And that's when you decided to stay.

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