April Fools!

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Cece smiles as she walks into the Lab, finding Donnie hunched over his desk as he scribbles on paper. Ignoring Mikey's giggles from outside the Lab, she walks up next to the purple clad turtle and smiles sweetly.

"Donnie," she begins as she wraps her arms around his strong arm, causing him to look at her with a slight blush. "Leo broke the toaster again.. can you fix it for me?" She leans her head on his shoulder and looks up at him with big pleading puppy eyes. Donnie continues to blush and nods.

"O-of course, Cece," he smiles as he walks out with her. She barely keeps her laughter silent as Donnie walks to the doorway of the Lab while she falls behind by a few steps. He stops in the perfect spot and turns to her.

"What's going on?" He asks with an accusing tone.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Cece giggles as she tries to act innocent.

"Your face is as red as Raph's mask and you're laughing like crazy for no reason!" He exclaims.

"What day is it Don Don?" Cece grins.

"April 1st, wh– oh..." his mahogany eyes widen with realization, just as Mikey releases the rope and let's a bucket of slime drop on Donnie. Cece bursts out laughing as Donnie stands stone still with shock.

"Sorry Donnie! April Fools!" Cece laughs as she runs past him and high fives Mikey. Donnie just wipes the slime off his face and glares playfully at the two pranksters.

"This means war," he speaks with a small smirk before running back into the Lab.


Now the brown haired trickster is a bit worried as she walks around the Lair. Donnie is the smartest of his brothers. He has a way with machines and could probably kick her and Mikey's butts at a prank war if he really wanted to.

That's a somewhat scary thought.

Which is why she either walks by the Lab quickly or slowly, and whenever she sees Donnie, she runs.

Mikey then suddenly calls her to the kitchen for an emergency meeting. She runs to the kitchen and after all that time sneaking around the Lab and running from Donnie, she doesn't expect a yogurt-filled water balloon from Mikey.

"Ah!! M-Mikey!" She gasps as her entire front of covered in vanilla yogurt.

"Sorry Cece! April Fools!" Mikey grins before running out. Cece frowns and spins on her heel, marching to the Lab. The moment her foot lands inside the room, two buckets of water are dumped on her just as two spray guns shoot her front. She just sighs.

"I wanna call for a truce!" She calls out, and soon after sees Donnie's head peek around the corner.

"Why?" He frowns.

"Mikey betrayed me," she smirks slightly. "And I want revenge."

Donnie grins and ushers her in, giving her a towel to dry off while he explains his master plan to her.


Mikey sneaks around the Lair with a wide, mischievous grin, having already thrown water balloons at Cece and all his brothers, save Donnie. He plans to get his third oldest brother now - And they know it.

Just as Mikey steps into the Lab with a yogurt balloon ready, a rope tightens around his ankle and he's lifted up into the air. He drops his yogurt balloon with a shout, and who should catch it but Cece, smirking widely as she looks up at Mikey. Several streams of ice cold water hit Mikey on the shell, plastron and face, making him shriek in surprise.

"Lem'me down!! Please Cece! I'm sorry for throwing that yogurt balloon at you!! Please lem'me go!" He cries, giving her the best puppy dog eyes he can muster while upside down. Donnie walks up next to her and rolls his eyes.

"I can do way better puppy dog eyes," he mutters. "Ready Cece?" He grins.

"Heck yeah!" Cece grins, her brown eyes sparkling as she throws the yogurt balloon square in the center of Mikey's plastron. "Ha! April Fools, Mikester!" She smirks and places her hands on her hips triumphantly. Mikey groans as the yogurt drips down- I mean up, to his chin while he's slowly lowered to the ground.

"Ok ok.. you guys win." Mikey smiles and suddenly throws two water balloons a them. "APRIL FOOLS!!" He shouts before running out. Donnie sighs deeply and grabs two towels for Cece and himself.

"Thanks for helping me out Donnie," Cece smiles. Donnie smiles back as he dries his arms and shell.

"No problem Cece. Mikey can be a bit of a stinker," he chuckles slightly. Cece smiles wider and before she can think, she places a quick, light kiss to Donatello's cheek. They both freeze, Donnie staring at Cece with wide spiced brown eyes.

"I-I am so s-sorry.." Cece starts as her nerves get to her. "I-I was just.. you looked so cute a-and we just won the prank games so I thought it wouldn't hurt t-to kiss your cheek r-really quickly, a-and you have been my crush for a while s-so that kinda—" she's stopped in mid-ramble when Donnie kisses her cheek for a little longer.

"What I got from all of that was, celebratory kiss, you think I'm cute and you have a crush on me," Donnie smiles widely as his blush grows. "And I feel the same way."

Cece waits with wide eyes for him to shout 'APRIL FOOLS' suddenly, but he doesn't. Not that day or the next.

And on the night of April 2nd, Cece realizes; "H-he's not joking.." she smiles before falling asleep.

I'm super sorry this look so long!! I had a sudden sore throat and I felt horrible all day long so I ended up writing this at 4:25 AM. Thank you and goodnight!!

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