Easter Bunny's Helper

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(Another wonderful writing from Marvel! I had requested this from her and I could'nt help but smile.

Thanks again Marvel!)

You love Easter Sunday. Hunting for Easter eggs, eating the treats inside them and a delicious chocolate bunny afterwards. What's not to love? (Unless you're allergic to chocolate.. then I'm very sorry for you..)
This was your first Easter spent with the Hamatos since you met them last May. You were so excited since you were the best Easter egg hunter out of your family. Leo warned you that Splinter got pretty crafty in hiding the eggs, and that it was hard for even them, ninja turtles, to find them. You simply shrugged it off, believing you could handle it.

On Easter morning, you jump out of bed and dress quickly before running out to the kitchen. There, Leo, Raph and Mikey are talking and eating breakfast. You say your 'good mornings' before digging in to your favorite breakfast. Raph chuckles lowly as he watches you wolf down your food.

"Remember to chew," he advises as he sips his cup of orange juice.

"Why do you say th–" you're cut off as you choke on your breakfast and cough for a good two minutes before calming down. "O-oh.." you wheeze.

Raph smirks slightly and walks past you to the sink, dropping off his dishes before walking to the Dojo, fully aware of you staring at him. You may have a small crush on the hot-headed ninja, and he may know about it since you're not exactly subtle about it. He hasn't said anything, but he always flashes you that hot smirk or heart-melting grin whenever he sees you, making you wonder if he knows and is trying to tease you to death.

Today you enter the Dojo as usual, baskets in your hands instead of weapons. Splinter smiles at each of you and you all meditate for a few minutes before he dismisses you to hunt. You immediately run to the tree and look around the base of the trunk, then climb up and look around the branches, ignoring the muffled chuckles and snickers from the others as your search proves fruitless. You jump out of the tree and run out of the Dojo with the others, stealing glances at the guy's baskets. You frown as Leo runs past with four brightly colored eggs. Mikey giggles at you as he carries at least seven. Donnie jogs past with two. And finally, Raph strolls by you with at least eleven eggs in his basket. Your eyes widen and you gawk at Raphael's basket.

"How did you find all those??" You ask as you look up at him. He just smirks at you.

"I'm friends with the Easter Bunny," he teases with a wink before picking up his pace. You frown and run ahead of him with determination to find enough Easter Eggs to fill your basket, which is a lot since your baskets are pretty big.

Five minutes later, the guy's baskets are halfway full, and you have one egg Mikey gave to you out of sympathy. You watch as Raph looks around with his basket in hand, then suddenly dives down and pulls out two eggs from under the couch. "Ha!" He grins before glancing back and seeing that you're watching, then blushing slightly. "I-I mean.. heh, piece of cake.." he mumbles as he puts the eggs in his basket. You huff.

"I told you it was tough!" Leo says, panting slightly as he runs past. You groan and sit on the floor with your head in your hands.

Raph stops next to you and sits beside you, his basket nearly full.
"What's up N/n?" He asks as he nudges your shoulder. You simply groan again and show him your basket as you glare at his.

"How the heck did you find all those?!" You pout. Raph blushes slightly and shrugs.

"I've been at this longer than you. Easter egg hunts are part of our training," he explains as he holds one in his hand and studies the design.

"I might as well give up and eat my chocolate bunny while you guys hunt.." you mumble. Raph rolls his eyes and stands, lifting you up like you're a small feather.

"C'mon, you can probably find twice this many eggs if you really try," he says before walking away. You look at his basket and stare at his shell thoughtfully before grinning.

"Thanks Raphie~" you speak with a smirk as you walk next to him. He freezes and groans.

"Don't call me that!" He frowns at you. Your smirk grows.

"But I like to call you Raphie, Raphie~" you look up at him with a sparkle in your eyes, and he huffs.

"What do you want?" He asks in a weary tone.

"Since you're friends with the Easter Bunny, will you help me hunt for Easter eggs?" You ask with a hopeful tone. Raph makes a funny face.

"Isn't that kinda cheating?" He questions warily.

You think a moment before grinning mischievously.
"Not if you're the Easter Bunny's helper~" you say in a mischievous tone. Raph looks at you nervously as you grab his hand and pull him to your room. He stands in the doorway as you look around the room, then pull out a bright pink headband with bunny ears. Raph's eyes widen and he shakes his head vigorously.

"No, no, no-no-no! No way! Never!" He says as he backs up. You frown and give him your best puppy eyes.

"Please Raphie! You'd make this the best Easter ever!" You plead as you hug his arm. Raph blushes dark red and shakes his head again.

"M-my brothers will laugh at me!" He frowns and tries to pull his arm away. You only hug it tighter.

"Please please please pleeeaaasseeee!!" You beg. "I'll give you a reward if you do!" You add with a grin.

Raph raises his eyebrow.
"What kind of a reward?" He asks with curiosity.

"I can't tell you! It'd ruin the surprise!" You smile wider. Raph sighs heavily and reluctantly takes the bunny ears. Moments later, he's hopping around the Lair with you at his heels, pointing out where the eggs are cleverly hidden. When his brothers see him, they all burst out laughing. Raph storms over and kicks their shells, then continues being 'the Easter Bunny's helper' for you. You're smiling all the while and trying your best not to laugh at how funny he looks hopping around with a pair of fuzzy, bright pink bunny ears on his head.
All in all: the best Easter Sunday EVER.

At the end of the day, you're all gathered around the living room eating your treats. Raph took off his bunny ears and is now eating his chocolate bunny's ears. You giggle softly and put down yours, scooting closer to him.

"So... would you like your reward now?" You ask with a warm smile.

"Will you tell me what it is?" He asks with a raised brow. You chuckle softly and pop a Hershey kiss in your mouth.

"It's a surprise," you say after swallowing your chocolate treat.

"Ok.. surprise me," he smirks slightly. You smirk back and kiss his lips lightly, then pull away with a smile and a dark blush.

"Thanks Raph," you say before standing and speed walking to your room to blush, squeal and fangirl over the fact that you just kissed Hamato Raphael.

Meanwhile, Raph sits on the couch with a dark red blush and the biggest, goofiest grin on his face.

Leo smirks at Donnie.
"You owe me five bucks." He says with his arms crossed.

(Happy Easter Sunday guys!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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