Raphael's 16th Birthday!

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( Another By @MarvelTmntGirl!)

"Happy birthday Raph!!" Mikey cheers as he bursts into the hotheads room, who in return, groans and covers his head with his pillow. With a grin, Mikey pulls away the covers and pillow. "C'mon dude! I made your favorite breakfast!"

"And burnt it, by the smell of it," Raph mumbles, sitting up with a groan.

"Nope! Just a potholder!" Mikey beams and drags Raph out, barely giving him a chance to grab his mask and belt.

"Morning Raph! Happy birthday!" Donnie waves to Raph as he heads to the Lab. Raph waves back before being jerked in to the kitchen, where his favorite breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, toast and a meat lover's pizza await him. Leo enters the kitchen, smiling to Raph.

"Happy birthday bro." He speaks, patting his brothers back.

Raph grins, glancing a the breakfast buffet beside him.
"Thanks bro. Hope you aren't too upset about that beat down last night," Raph smirks, crossing his arms, "after all, I am the thumb war champion."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got lucky!" Leo chuckles, leaving Raph to his birthday breakfast.
Raph laughs and eats his breakfast heartily, much to the joy of Mikey, since he got up at 5 am to make it.

After that, he heads to the Dojo and greets Master Splinter.

"Good morning Raphael. Are you having a satisfying birthday?" Splinter inquires, not moving from his seat on the floor, his eyes remaining closed.

"Hai Sensei." Raph nods respectively, kneeling before his father.

"I thought it would be best to give my gift to you now, before the day starts."

Raph watches as Splinter reaches behind him and hands him a red box, relatively small, with a red ribbon. Raph opens it carefully, eyeing the contents inside.
A stone, with the words warrior carved into it.

"Thank you, Master Splinter," he speaks, a trace of uncertainty and hesitation in his voice.

"Have you ever wondered why I gave you a red mask, Raphael?" Splinter questions, finally opening his eyes to look upon his son.

'How you have grown.. I remember having to calm you down when you had nightmares. How time has flown-'

"Not really, Sensei." Raphael replies, feeling an explanation and lesson coming on.

"Red signifies Passion, Strength, Rage, Love and Courage. I saw all these traits as you grew with your brothers." Splinters eyes fix upon Raphael, spying the flicker of interest in his eyes. "That is a dangerous mixture, one that is hard to control. I have watched you all grow before my eyes, fallen and stood back up, and I am immensely proud of all of you. Raphael, you are learning to tame the fire within you. I have noticed your progress in keeping your temper in check, and I have never been more proud." Splinter smiles, a warm, fatherly smile that you always hope to see from your father; one filled with pride.
"You are a warrior. Red, is for Raphael."

Raph couldn't help but smile, his electric green eyes sparkling.
"Thank you, Master Splinter."


With an amused smile on his face, Raph watches as his brothers, Splinter, April and Casey sing happy birthday over a real cake, one that April and Mikey made. It looks delicious, with white buttercream frosting, and red letters on top, reading Happy 16th Birthday!
Raph had to admit to himself, today was a pretty good day. Not very different from his other birthdays, besides Splinters gift and speech, but it was a good day nonetheless.

As everyone relaxes in the living room, some humming the Happy Birthday song under their breath, the presents open and thanked for, Raphael glances around and smiles.

On a day like this, he can't help but love his crazy family.

"Good cake, little brother," he chuckles as he rubs Mikeys head, the red stone hanging on a thick thread around his neck and a set of robot wrestlers beside him, hand-made by Donnie.

Happy Birthday Raphael.

It was midnight, Raphael was shuffling back to his room after grabbing a drink of water. When he enters his room and sits on his bed, about to roll under the covers, the crinkle of paper causes him to halt and stand up. He rubs the back of his head in confusion.

'That wasn't there before..'

Picking it up, he realizes it's an envelope, just as more paper falls out, which is impossible, since that many cards can't fit in one tiny envelope.
Soon his bed is coated with square cards, and one remains in the envelope.
Reaching for the light, Raph flicks it on and goes through the cards. They all have different handwriting, all with 'Happy Birthday' wishes and such.

Finally, Raphael pulls out the last card from the envelope, reading the unique handwriting, a mix between print and cursive.

Dear Raphael,
I hope you had a happy birthday, and that all these cards didn't startle you too bad. We just wanted to send our love, and let you know we're out there, wishing you well!

A friendly Tmnt fan.

The only thought— or better put— the only question he could process was:

"What's a Tmnt?"

The End


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