Mistletoe Mishap!

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                                                                     (Original by MarvelTmntGirl)

"Jingle bells! Jingle bells!! Jingle all the waaaaaaayyy!" Raphael heard a voice sing as they passed the turnstiles, loud, probably louder than the singer meant to be. Raph chuckled, knowing who was singing immediately.


The newest addition to the Hamato clan, as April put it. Raph will never admit it, but ever since that night you stared up at him with your e/c eyes and smiled at him after he saved you from some thugs, he instantly took to you. You're funny, although you pass it off as weirdness and leaking insanity, different, unlike most teenage girls Raph would see passing by, texting or whatnot. He might even call you weird, but in the best way possible. You're the kind of weird that helps him when his world is crazier than you. Finding you putting whipped cream with chocolate syrup on a pizza always makes him laugh. Raph likes- no, honestly, he loves having you around.
But he makes sure to suppress his delight when he sees you in the Lair.

As he finishes making the steaming mugs of hot chocolate, topped with either marshmallows or whipped cream (both for yours), he hears you greeting Donnie happily, the crinkling of wrapping paper informing Raph that you had brought a present, and set it under the tree.

"Cocoa's done!" He announces, carrying out the tray of mugs. He spies Leo and Mikey making a string of popcorn for the tree, Casey and April talking with each other on the couch, and Donnie holding a ladder steady as you hang mistletoe on a lone nail on a wall.

-Mistletoe..- thought Raph with an eye roll. -An excuse to smooch. Well lucky for me, I'm not dumb enough to fall for its tricks..- he smirked to himself as he sets the tray down and grabs a Santa Claus cookie.

"Thanks Donnie," Raph hears you speak to his younger brother, and then a loud mwha! causing him to turn in curiosity. What he sees is Donnie holding his cheek and blushing slightly, you smiling bright.

-What are you even doing, Raph? You don't care if Y/n kisses Donnie, or Leo, or even Mikey! Quit staring, you shell head.- he frowns as his thoughts scream in his mind, and he grabs a cup full of hot chocolate in hopes that it will distract him.

"Merry Christmas Raphie!" You smile as you hug him behind and over the couch, to which he grunts in response. "How was your birthday?"

Raph shows a small smile to you, the only true, genuine smile you ever get from him, ever. Everything else is either cocky smirks, sly grins or mischievous smiles.

"Good. I got your present. It's in my room," he ruffles your hair in an awkward show of affection.

-Better than a shoulder punch..- You both think, sending each other equally awkward grins.

"Well I'm glad you like it. Took me a while to get." And by it you both mean a red crystal that glows in the dark. The light is faint enough that you can sleep, but bright enough to see it. It cost you quite a bit, so you're glad to know your money was well spent.

-Who am I kidding? I'd spend all my money on Raph just to see that smile.- You think to yourself with a quiet, dreamy sigh, grabbing your own mug of hot chocolate and sipping it.

"So... What'd you get me for Christmas?" Raph asks with a sly grin, one that always spawns butterflies in your stomach.

"I-It's a surprise, s-silly." You answer, attempting to keep your stuttering at bay, and failing.

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