Casey Conundrum

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Requested by a friend of a friend. 😋


"Y/n dear, are you sure you're thinking straight?" You mimic your mom's voice as you sit on the ledge of a rooftop in NYC. Tmnt NYC to be exact, waiting for the guys to come out so you could see them in action.

"Heck yes Mom!" You grin as you look around. "This is gonna be the best day of my life," you squeal quietly. Before you can stay anything else, a familiar figure on a bike rides down the street whooping and hollering. You gasp as a grin forms on your face, then climb down to the alleyway and uncover the bike you may or may not have stolen to help you get around. You pedal after the bike-rider, your grin growing as you see him; the Casey Jones, parking his bike with his hockey bag slung over his shoulder. Before you know what's happening, you park your bike next to his and walk up next to him.

"H-hi," you greet nervously, looking at him with shy eyes.

"Hey," he grins crookedly at you, showing you his knocked out teeth. "You new around here?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Y-Yeah," you nod, "just arrived actually.."

"Cool. What's your name h/c?" (hair color, meaning: blonde = blondie, brown = brownie, red = strawberry since he calls April red, black = blackberry {?}. If your hair is dyed to say, purple or silver, figure it out)

"Y/n," you smile slightly as you tuck some of your h/c hair behind your ears.

"Y/n," Casey repeats as his grin widens. "That's a beautiful name." He winks at you, and you feel your face grow warmer as a blush travels up your neck.

"Th-thanks.." you smile shyly, internally fangirling like never before.

"So where you from?" Casey asks as he adjusts his hockey bag strap over his shoulder.

"Um..." your eyes widen as you struggle to remember your home. "(Home/state/country).. you?"

"Right here in NYC," he smiles down at you. You grin back, unable to suppress your happiness.

"S-so uh.. you got any hobbies?" You ask as you walk with him, realizing you have no idea where the two of you are going.

"Hockey, a little vigilanting," he smirks as he rubs his fingernails on his jacket and holds them out to examine them. You chuckle.

"I thought you were supposed to keep your midnight hobbies a secret," you remark with a smile.

"I think you can keep my secret," Casey whispers with a smirks, leaning close to you as he speaks and causing your face to burst bright red. "You can keep my secret, can't you h/c?" He adds with a slightly concerned tone.

You stop suddenly, and Casey skids to a halt before backtracking and standing in front of you. You sigh deeply as you look up at him.
"I can't believe I'm doing this.." you mutter to yourself, rubbing your face lightly.

"Doing whaaa—" Casey begins, cut off by you grabbing the collar of his jacket and pulling him down to kiss you. He tenses up, then relaxes, his shoulders slumping as his eyes slip shut. After a moment or so you pull away and smirk, releasing his jacket.

"I'll see you around Casey Jones," you grin before running off, leaving the dazed caved mouthed vigilante to stand there for four minutes and realize he didn't tell you his name and yet you knew it, and that your lips were incredibly soft.

And that's when the chase began..

(I hope this is satisfactory and I hope you had a good Single Fangirls Awareness Day {SFA for short} with the turtles and Casey! Love you lollipops!)

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