First of Spring

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(Another fabulous work by Marvel!)

Requested by Suckerforpain2001


"Hey Raph, where's Donnie hiding?" I ask my friend who's reading comic books on the couch.

"In the Lab," Raph responds simply, turning a page in his comic.

"All day?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Yup. First day of Spring, Donnie's powers go a little wacko," Raph chuckles shortly, like he's remembering something. I frown slightly and look at the Lab doors, jumping when I hear a yelp from Donnie.

"I-Is he ok?" I ask worryingly, biting my lip.

"Yeah, he should be out in the morning."

This doesn't ease my worry, and I speed walk over to the Lab, sliding open the door just enough to slip through. What I see amazes me.
Long, thick, deep green vines hang from the ceiling and climb up the walls. Lush, green bushes, trees, and tall flowers cover the floor and walls. The air is fresh and clean, and it's almost silent besides Donnie's shrieks and yelps. I slowly walk in further, my eyes widening when Donnie runs past me, the vines on the ceiling chasing him.

"AAHHHHHH! STOP! CEASE! LEAVE ME ALONE!" He shouts as he runs, suddenly tripping on a rock and falling, his face meeting the dark, rich soil coating the Lab floors. The vines wrap around his arms and legs, lifting him up in the air. I run forward and attempt to pull them off of him.

"M-Maya! Wh-what are you doing here??" Donnie asks with wide spiced brown eyes. I look up at him and smile. I find him really cute when he's flustered or stutters like that.

"Saving you, duh," I chuckle before two vines sneak up behind me and wrap around my legs and arms. "H-hey!" I shout, wiggling and resisting with an angry look.

"I-I'm so sorry Maya! My powers are extremely unpredictable today.." he looks down with embarrassment.

"It's ok! I'm sure we can get out of this!" I assure him, trying to wiggle out of the vines and failing. "Why are they tying us up anyway??" I ask with confusion.

"Territorial." Donnie answers, looking up at the ceiling. "They should let us go in a moment.."

"How do you kno– AHHH!" The vines release us suddenly, and we fall to the ground. Donnie lands on his feet and catches me in his arms, smiling warmly.

"Hi," he greets me, his adorable gap showing in his smile and making me blush, along with the position I'm in in his arms.

"H-Hi– woah!" I'm cut off when Donnie suddenly runs, and I look behind to see the vines chasing us again. "You've got to be kidding me! This is like a scene from Jumanji!" I yelp, wrapping my arms around Donnie's neck as he runs. We almost get to the Lab door when the vines grab us and wrap around us. I blush furiously at our position, with our faces only inches apart and our bodies pressed against each other. I can see Donnie blushing just as dark as I am as we hang like this upside down.
"I can't wait to see what your plants think up next," I remark in an amused/aggravated tone. Donnie flinches slightly.

"I-I'm really s-sorry.. they have a strange sense of humor.."

"They're plants!" I exclaim. "They should have any sense of humor or anger or be territorial!"

"My plants are a little different from normal plants.. in case you haven't noticed," Donnie smiles sheepishly. I sigh heavily and struggle against my restraints, which doesn't help much at all.

"Just wait a minute Maya.." Donnie says. I take a deep breath, growing irritated at these vines.

"Why?? I wanna get out of this!" I frown. Donnie's calm, slightly amused expression makes me calm down and stop struggling.

"Just wait a moment, and the vines should loosen." He speaks calmly. I frown before feeling the vines loosen, and we both fall on our heads. Thankfully we aren't too high off the ground, but it still hurts!

"Ow!" I yelp in surprise and pain. Donnie groans and falls back on his shell, then stands and helps me up.

"You ok Maya?" He asks with worry. I blush lightly and nod, no sooner being pulled away by Donnie as we run from the living vegetation.

"THIS IS UNBELIEVABLY RIDICULOUS AND AWESOME!" I shout with a small laugh. Donnie chuckles and we both jump behind his desk to hide from the vines.

"S-so, what now?" I pant slightly from all the running. Donnie breathes in and out deeply as he speaks.

"W-wait til morning.. then they should calm down and I can clean up." He sighs and leans back while closing his eyes. I feel a yawn coming on and rub my eyes.

"What time is it?" I ask sleepily.

Donnie glances at his T-Phone.
"10:45.. you're usually asleep by now.." he peeks out over his desk and sighs at the sight of the vines, flowers, bushes and small trees all around his Lab and guarding the door. "I'm afraid we're stuck in here.. sorry Maya.."

I shrug and lean on his shoulder as my eyelids grow heavy.
"It's ok.. I don't mind.." I mumble sleepily. I don't see Donnie blushing tomato red as he wraps his arm around me while I drift to sleep.

"Thanks Maya.. it's nice to have someone to keep me company.. even if they're asleep," he chuckles slightly.

I smile before fully falling asleep next to Donnie.


The next morning, I wake up in my bed. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I remember last night and chuckle.

"What a crazy dream," I sigh as I climb out of bed and walk out to the kitchen. There I see Donnie washing his hands of.. dirt?
"What's up Don?" I ask as I grab a bowl for my cereal.

"Oh hi Maya," he smiles happily. "I'm just cleaning the Lab. Thanks for hanging out with me last night. I never really look forward to the First Day of Spring, but you made it more enjoyable." He dries off his hands as he speaks and then does something that really surprises me. He kisses my cheek!
I blush deeply as he walks back out to the Lab with his cleaning supplies, smiling to myself.

"I guess that wasn't a dream.." I mumble.

I hope you enjoyed! I tried my best to get your personality right, please forgive me if it's not what you expected!

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