Valentine's Crooked Arrow - Mikey

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You walk through the sewers while gnawing on your lip, wiping your sweaty palms on your jeans as you glance around. You keep away from the dirty walls and set your eyes ahead, keeping your thoughts on what you will say to Mikey when you meet him. Before you know it, you are standing in an abandoned subway station, peeking into the Lair. You suppress happy squeals as you look in and listen close.

Leonardo sits in front of the tv, chanting Captain Ryan's words in sync with the show.
Raphael is doing pushups next to the Shredder dummy.
A loud KABOOM tells you Donatello is in the Lab, doing who knows what.
And you can hear Mikey laughing as he cooks in the kitchen.

You smile wide as you hear Mikey's cheerful laughter. Without thinking, you run past Leo and Raph and into the kitchen. They look up, only seeing a blur and hearing a whoosh of wind. Glancing at each other, they shrug and return to their separate activities.

You peek out the doorway and sigh in relief as they shrug it off, then turn to see Mikey staring at you curiously.

"Hi! Who are you?" Mikey asks with a smile. Your jaw drops slightly as his voice replays in your head, before grinning wildly and hugging him.

"I finally found you!" You cheer happily as you wrap your arms around his neck and pepper his face with small kisses.

"Yay you... found me? When did you lose me?" He gasps as his baby blue eyes widen. "Are you my reincarnated soulmate?? Have you been looking for me all this time??" Mikey grins as he looks at you.

You blush a deep red as you let him go.
"Um.. no," you mumble with embarrassment of your sudden actions and Mikey's adorably innocent question. "S-sorry.. you see.. wh-where I'm from.. y-you're not real.... you're sort of a–"

"Comic book character?" Mikey interrupts with a bright grin.

"Yes, and a cartoon character.."

"AWESOME!" Mikey cheers. "And you traveled across time and space to meet me because you're a fan, right?"

You nod with a smile.
"That's right Mikester," you giggle quietly. Mikey's smile grows as he hugs you suddenly.

"Am I your favorite?" He asks with a hopeful tone, looking right in your eyes with his forehead pressed against yours. You feel your face heat up as your blush darkens.

"Y-yeah," you whisper quietly.

"Yay!" Mikey cheers and spins you around in his arms, causing you to gasp and hold onto him again. Because of you and Mikey's sudden movements combined, your lips meet his on accident. You could say it is a kiss, although really all it is is your lips touching Mikey's and you both freezing with embarrassment. Mikey stops moving and looks up at you with wide innocent eyes as your lips stay smushed together for another moment, then he puts you down and shrinks back.
"I'm sorry!" He squeaked. "I-I didn't mean t-to–"

You cut him off with a quick peck on the lips.
"Y'know why you're my favorite?" You whisper with a grin

"N-no.." Mikey murmurs as a blush of his own appears on his cheeks.

"Because you're so darn adorable." You smile as you hug him. Mikey smiles back before gasping.

"Hey!You wanna be my Valentine?" He asks with a wide, hopeful grin.

You grin and nod, and Mikey cheers before spinning you around again.

And that's when you knew your life would never be the same again.

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