2- You Make Me Wanna Puke

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Dear girly fake self. You make me wanna puke.
Today was interesting. I was sitting with the lads on the couch, them all silently judging me, when the robbery came up on the news. I almost laughed so hard when Niall said: At least we know it wasn't Gabriella.

Well once again it's the middle of the night. I don't really have anything planned so I might just go around town, maybe graffiti a train, have some smokes. Whatever.
I walked into the bathroom. I pulled off the fake glasses. Pulled out the fake braces and put them in the cabinet. I slipped out of my clothes and just left them on the floor. I took the mother fucking ribbons out of my hair and threw them away. Ew. I brushed through my dark brunette hair and pulled it into a high ponytail. I walked back into my room and opened my secret closet. Meaning under my bed where I hide my night clothes. I pulled out a tank top that had a black plumbob from the sims 3 and a dark grey background on it.
I also slipped on Jean shorts and black and white vans. I was ready. I pulled out my skateboard and some cash and threw it into my backpack that holds spray painting gear. I jumped out my window and landed on the ground. Oh shit. I looked over and rushed under Nialls window as he opened it.
"Hello?" He looked right and left before shutting it. Close one. I crept until the road and skateboarded into town.
I came upon an alleyway. Oh shit I forgot my dam Ciggarates! Time to buy some. I walked into the black market.
"Pack of smokes."
I said to the man. He handed me a unwrapped pack. I handed him the note and walked back to a alleyway. I took out a smoke and lit it in my mouth.
I pulled my hoodie over my eyes as a man walked into the alley. He had a spray can in one hand a smoke in the other.
"Get lost." I growled, flicking my smoke so some ash escapes. He looked at me. Zayn. Of fucking course. FUCK.
"Sorry man, no can do."
"Do I look like a man to you?" I asked. I disguise my voice during the day. It sounds younger during that time.
He shrugged. Then made his eyes down to my legs.
"Not with those sexy legs."
I gripped his arm and shoved the top of my smoke into it. I made sure it burned a circle into his skin. That would heal in a week at least.
"Next, is your cheek pretty boy."
I threatened spraying the wall behind him.

'The sky is falling, we are rising.'
I wrote and walked out, throwing the can at Zayn as he whimpered from his burn.
"Shut the fuck up."
"Are you drunk bitch?" He asked.
"I don't drink."
I said and walked away. I don't like the taste of alcohol what can you say?
I got into another alleyway. I spray painted until 5 am. Good thing I'm five minutes from home. And it's Saturday, so I get to sleep in. I did my usual routine and woke up around 3 pm. 9 hours of sleep. Go me! I didn't bother getting ready when I went down for lunch. I only slipped on my fake braces and pink pajamas and my fake glasses before going down.
I smiled showing my teeth to my mum.
"Oh honey! You have a chip in your braces! I'll take you to the-"
"No mum, I'm twenty now. I'll do it." Translation: I'll buy new fake ones.
She smiled as Niall walked in.
He kissed my cheek.
"Hey sis."
"Hey Nialler." I said.
"Not to be offensive sis, you look at least 80% better without all that makeup and shit."
He smiled.
"Really? I guess I should buy new clothes."
Translation: No I won't I hate shopping. Maybe I'll rob some. And take a lot more so niall isn't suspicious about it.
Louis walked in.
"Hey Horans. " he was already dressed.
"Gabriella? How come your not dressed?"
I looked up at him.
"I didn't want to."

I was pressed against the wall about three hours later, listening to Niall and Harry's conversation.
"Listen Harry, can you maybe... Corrupt her a little? She really needs to grow up, this morning was the most grown up I've ever seen her, and it was still horrible."
"Yeah I guess so. Fifty pounds mate." I heard rustling so he must've handed over the money.
"Okay, I'm gonna go start." I hard shuffling and ran to the cabinet pulling out potatoes.
Harry walked in.
"Hey Gabriella."
"Hey Harry." He sat at the stool, next to the counter.
"So, what are you making?" I looked at him.
"Obviously I'm making ice cream." I said sarcastically.
"Potatoes." I mumbled throwing them into a pot.
"So... How do the cool kids act around here?"
"Um, they always ride around in a car with their boyfriend and girl friend, have businesses, or even have children." I shrugged.
"Why don't you?"
I dropped a potato.
"Have children?" I asked picking up the potato.
"No!" He chuckled.
"Have a job, or a boyfriend?"
"I don't know." I said. Because I'm already fucking rich.
"Why aren't you moved out yet?" Good point.
I'm to lazy.
"Because why?"
He asked. Wow, how much did he pay him?
"Because I don't have enough money."
I lied.
"I can buy you a house."
I turned to him.
"Please go away."
I shooed him away.
"Um, how about no?"
"Nah, I think I like my choice better.
I mashed the potatoes and ate dinner alone since everybody else went out to dinner. I had said I was going to go out, and I really didn't feel like going out to dinner.
On the bright side I get to go out and have fun!
I changed into shorts and a white flowy tank top with layers.
I let my hair fall back to my waist and pulled on my vans.
I made sure a hoodie was in my backpack.
I set up a robbery a couple minutes ago.
I was going to rob Anna K Tub n Rub Polka Dot Emporium. I fucking hate it but I want the money.
I made sure my cigarettes were in my bag before I left.
When I hid behind the tree I saw mums car pull in and all the boys run into the house and into Nialls room.
Somebody met nothing but my eyes.
They looked confused and walked up to the window as the rest of the boys played CoD.


"Hello?" He softly asked. Secretly, he is the one I want to date. Tell anybody and your dead.
Luckily it was so dark only my eyes showed. They were the colour of the ocean.

"Who's there?" He asked. The boys didn't notice.
I covered my eyes with my hand, but I could still see him.
"Where'd you go?"
Behind the tree.
"What's your name?" He was eager.
"Don't worry about it. And ask Zayn about his.... Burn."
I laughed and disappeared.
Zayn walked up to Liam.
"Li? What 'r you doin over here?"
"I-I thought I saw somebody. What's that?"
Liam motioned to the burn on Zayns arm.
"Uh remember how I found scan of spray paint in the garage and went to graffiti? Some chic burned me with her cigarette. How come you just noticed it?"
Liam looked back out.
"No reason."
I walked into town not wanting to board. There was Zayn in my alleyway again.
I pulled my hood over my eyes.
"Oh , what do we have here?"
I cracked my knuckles.
"Is that her Liam?"
Liam came out from behind him.
"I think so. All I could see were her eyes. They were pretty."
He blushed and I smirked.
"Yeah, it was me. Zayn do I need to re open the burn?"
I threatened lighting a smoke.
I took a puff of it.
He stayed silent.
I said. They stayed.

I walked up to them.
I gripped Zayns arm, and burned him even more until he screamed in pain.
I threw him to the ground, and hugged Liam.
"Im not gonna hurt you. Only the fucking sasser on the ground."
I said walking to the train station. I heard the rattle of a spray can.
One rule you learn quickly here. You see or hear other people graffiti you say nothing. I pulled my hood over my eyes and graffitied a whole train.
I smirked as it was hot neon pink with sky blue hearts at the wheels. I laughed at it and went home. I climbed into my window to hear my doorknob rattling. I grabbed my fake braces and ran into the bathroom. I shut and locked the door.
"Gabriella?" I heard Niall's voice.
"I'm in the bathroom!" I disguised my voice. I changed into the sky blue pajama pants I wore last night and a white tank top. I shoved in my fake braces and walked out hiding my other clothing. Niall was waiting on my bed.

"I wanted you to spend a day with Harry, who knows, maybe you two will get along." He walked out and I flopped into my bed. "Screw that." I mumbled locking my door and window and taking out my fake braces and shutting my blinds. I climbed into bed.

Soon enough I was asleep.

"Gabriella? Didn't niall tell you to spend the day with me?"
Harry asked. I looked at my alarm clock.
It has been about ten hours, it was 7 when I went to bed. Now it's 5 PM.
'Screw off' I thought.
"No" I groaned.
I heard rustling and a weight on the side of my bed.
"Come on." Fuck....
I looked at him.
I shook my head.
He sighed.
"Where's the bathroom."
I pointed at my bathroom.
"I'll be right back." I pushed in my fake braces before he came out. When he did I turned over in bed.
"Oh my god Gabriella." He pulled me out of bed.

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