21- How?

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"If we don't call you Gabriella, what do we call you?" Liam asked.

"GET MY PERI PERI CHICKEN MOTHER FUCKER!" I screamed. He grabbed his keys and wallet before running out the door. I smirked.

"Just call me Ri, or Gabs. Anything but Gabriella, honestly I hate that name on me."

"When did you start doing this?"

Louis asked still shocked.

"When I was like, 15. You know Darlene jewelers, that place that was robbed?" I asked. They nodded.

"Well Darlene picked on me in highschool, and one day I had enough and got my anger out at night time, wether it was smoking or it was just plain out spray painting trains pink, it grew on me. It's just what I want to do. Also I sorta may have robbed the Darlene's."

Zayn laughed.

"One sec." I ran up to me room, and grabbed the mini safe from my closet and walked back into the living room.

I put in the combination and pulled out the like 10 million.

The boys all gaped at it.

"Like what you see? I make this by selling illegal stolen items."

I pulled out that necklace I found at Darlene's.

"Got this when I robbed The Jewelers."

They all drifted their gaze to it.

"Wow. My sister does all this..."

"Well I'm not a psychopath who didn't know ten from two."

He agreed.

"Well I wasn't just 'passing through' I jumped from my window." Niall looked at me in wonder.

"IT WAS YOU! How the fuck did you convince me to... You made yourself to go London? HOW THE FUCK IN THE FUCKITY FUCK FUCK?!"

(Even I laughed at this)

I laughed.



"Well we came home because our last concert is here, will you please come?" Harry begged. I rolled my eyes whilst locking away everything in my safe.


Once it was just me and Niall, he spoke.

"You can't do this anymore."

I looked over at him.

"Haha." I said sarcastically.

"I'm not kidding. It's dangerous as hell!"

He complained.

"Do you want to see dangerous? Theres a fully loaded gun in my closet, I will happily show you dangerous."

"I'm not scared of you Gab."

"You should be."

"I'm not."

"Well I'm not gonna stop doing what I do."

"What if I stop you?"


"I could keep guard at the front door at night time, it's the only way in and out of the flat."

I laughed.

"So you think."

"The vents?"

"The balcony." His eyes widened.

"That's right, you climbed down by my balcony that one night."

"Yuppers. But back to the point. This is why I didn't tell you, because you would try to stop me. Well guess what mother fucker! It's impossible to stop what has already started."

Liam threw my peri peri chicken in my lap and sat down.

Don't Judge A Person By Their Cover (One Direction FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now