one | goodbye neighbor

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"SO YOUR LEAVING." A voice said, echoing throughout the empty apartment. Stiles stilled at the company he wasn't aware he was going to have – yet ignoring the question, knowing they know the answer. "Were you going to tell us or were you just going to leave without saying anything."

Sighing, Stiles Stilinski turned to look at the older man leaning against his doorway. "I thought it would be easier that way." He admitted, picking up an empty box and placing it on the table. Oliver rolled his eyes at his neighbors thoughts and walked towards him. "Well you clearly didn't think that through considering I live right next door to you." He said helping stiles put away some glass cups.

Oliver Queen, also known as the vigilante of starling city, 'the arrow'. When stiles first moved to starling he found himself in a bar, the bar owned by the queens to be exact.
"What can I get you." A male asked stilinski
With a cheeky grin stiles replied, "your number?" The boy laughed, going to respond but a girl interrupted. "Sadly he's taken" she said giving him a quick kiss. "I'm Thea." After that encounter he became close to Oliver, which led him to find out he was the arrow. The duo has been close ever since.

"Not one of my brightest moments I guess." The brunette smiled

"Not surprised"

Neither of them talked, only the sound of glasses clinking together was heard. When the kitchen was finally packed up stiles and Oliver looked at each other.
"I guess that's it." Stiles broke the silence.

"When are you leaving"

"Right now" stiles said pulling on his ear— one of his many nervous habits. "Tell everyone I said bye? Please."

Oliver nodded helping stiles take his boxes to his blue Jeep—who he named Roscoe. After all the boxes were packed into his car, he turned to his companion and pulled out three letters. The names —Felicity, Kayden, and Diggle written on them. "Give these the them?"
"Of course." The two males just stood there, unsure what to say or do, so the younger of the two spoke, "Goodbye neighbor, I'll miss you."

The dirty blonde pulled the boy into a hug—which was kinda awkward since Oliver is not a emotional kind of guy— "Don't be a stranger."
The brunette nodded getting into his Jeep. "Hey," Oliver spoke "stay out of trouble in the new city okay? We don't need it to be like starling." Stiles gave him a smile, nodding. And with that stiles drove, not looking back. This is it, stiles stilinski is gonna make central city his place. Where he can restart and forget about his past. Though, you can't always run away from it.

Stiles drove for what felt like hours, so once he saw the sign that read 'Welcome to central city' he smiled.  Stepping on the gas he said "Goodbye starling city, hellooo central city."

authors note.

word count. 491
LET ME JUST CLEAR SUM UP, I was editing and realized that the part where he had a a little flashback of the bar, Thea kissed Jackson not Oliver. Okay bye
I know this was really really short but this was just a lil introduction, it will get better I promise. So is it cliche to have him originally from starling? Yes very. But do I care how cliche it is? No because I love my writing and it's plot.

Anyways vote and comment ❤️

Anyways vote and comment ❤️

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