twenty three| in this together

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THE GROUP OF PEOPLE STOOD together, surrounding the blue jeep

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THE GROUP OF PEOPLE STOOD together, surrounding the blue jeep. barry allen gripped the keys in his hand tightly, "barry we've been standing here for ten minutes, just say you'll take it."

veronica said softly, as if she spoke any louder the man will crumble. she places a hand on his shoulder, "he wanted you to have it. you."

sighing he walked to the drivers side, pulling open the door and jumping in. his hands gripped the steering wheel, "i don't even need a car you idiot." he whispered, hoping somehow, someway, stiles heard him and is making a dumb joke about it.

barry's fingers reached for the the cds that sat in the passenger seat, "why do you need three shawn mendes cds."

the male grabbed the purple jacket from the backseat, pulling it over his head.

stiles walked out of his room, meeting barry in the living room. "really? when are you ever going to stop wearing that stupid purple jacket."

barry said with a small chuckle. stiles grabbed his keys and walked out the door, barry following behind closely, "you wish you could wear my 'stupid purple jacket'." stiles retorted.

"ew gross, i would never." barry said, making stiles stick his tongue out at him.

barry hummed, "i guess i ended up wearing your jacket after all."

getting out the car he starred at the group of people who looked at him with sympathy. he walked up to kayden and pulled him into a hug. barry knew kayden was hurting as much as him, heck, maybe even more.

the simple hug turned into a giant group hug, even dig and oliver joined. barry looked to veronica who was now crying, he's only ever talked to the girl when he was ordering at jitters. then he looked to angela, who was trying her hardest to hold back her tears.

barry knows that somehow she's hurting the most, if he hadn't known her and stiles story he'd probably think otherwise, but he did.

angela and stiles barely reconnected, all the hurtful words and actions may have been thrown into the past, but she barely got him back. only for him to be ripped right out of her life so quickly, leaving her with her thoughts and bad memories.

all these people who stood together, mourning over one persons death. they didn't know each others pasts, or what kind of connections they had with stiles, they didn't know what kind of feelings that are going through each other's head. but they're all there, all for one person.

the person who managed to put smiles on their faces, make them laugh, make them cry, make them mad. stiles stilinski may no longer be there, but he left a piece of him in each and every person there. maybe that's what pulled them all together that day.

barry sighed, "i'm going to find out who did this to him."

it was silent for a moment, before someone grabbed his hand, "we're going to find out who did this to him."

"we're in this together," oliver said, a small frown on his face.

we're in this together.


so, yeah.

so, yeah

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