five | house visits and broken egos

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THE SOUND OF KNOCKING made stiles stilinski look away from the tv, and to the door instead

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THE SOUND OF KNOCKING made stiles stilinski look away from the tv, and to the door instead. He groaned, pausing his show and went to the door. "Who is it." He asked through the door. "Um Barry." Stiles scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, before slowly opening the door.

There stood a very nervous Barry Allen. "Um hey, how did you, um, know I live here?" stiles asked curiously, at loss for words. "Iris told me." He said quickly. Stiles squinted at the man, looking him up and down- analyzing him- before letting him in. "Come in" stiles didn't tell iris his address. Stiles smiled at the man. "Want a drink?" Barry—who was looking around the small apartment— turned to look at the man. "Uh, sure."

Barry turned around, deep in thought. This giving stiles a chance to tackle the man to the ground, knife held against his throat. "Don't move." Stiles said darkly, Barry complied, not wanting the man to know his secret. "Why are you here."

"It's complicated."

Stiles rolled his eyes, pressing the knife harder against the brunettes skin, " How is telling me why your here complicated." He hissed at the man on the ground. "I'll tell you everything if you get off me." Stiles pondered the request for a moment before hastily releasing him. Oliver would be angry at that. "Now talk." He demanded.

Barry took a deep breath, "sorry about this."
Stiles was caught off guard at this, lowering his weapon as he scrunched his eyebrows together.
And that was his worst mistake. "Sorry about wha–" stiles was cut off by something, or someone, hitting him over the head, rendering him unconscious. His knife clattered to the ground as he fell into a deep sleep. "About that." Barry said softly, picking the man up and speeding him to STAAR labs.


Stiles groaned as his head throbbed, it felt as if his head was hit with a brick. "Well hello sleeping beauty." Somebody hummed, making the half asleep male alert, quickly opening his eyes. His vision took a while to focus before he could make out 3 faces. Barry, a red headed girl, and a brunette male with surprisingly amazing hair. He tugged in his hands to get in fighting position only to realize they were tied behind his chair. He smiled lazily, "you know," he paused looking up at the three. ", this is kind of illegal."

Barry rolled his eyes while the other male snorted. Barry turned to his companion with a glare making him instantly shut up. "Well you gave me no choice." At this Stiles busted out laughing, it taking him a couple minutes to calm down. "Holy shit, I would wipe my tears but you know." He motioned at him tugging at his hands. "I didn't give you a choice? Your the one who showed up at my place claiming that iris gave you my address." He scoffed

"I mean you could of planned it better, I didn't give her my address you idiot." He finished with a glare.

"Just shut up." Barry sighed in frustration. "Tell me who you work for."

"I don't work for anyone!" Stiles yelled, twisting his hands, trying to get out of the zip ties—something Oliver taught him.

"Then why are you here!"

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