twenty| guys night out

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"A GUYS NIGHT OUT, SERIOUSLY?" stiles deadpanned, looking at his best friend as if he was the dumbest person in the world

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"A GUYS NIGHT OUT, SERIOUSLY?" stiles deadpanned, looking at his best friend as if he was the dumbest person in the world.

"yeah come on, you can bring your dude-thing, and the guy with amazing hair." kayden said, trying to convince him. "oh, and that one guy."

"don't be to specific now." stiles said sarcastically. "do you mean cisco and wally."

"see you knew who i was talking about." stiles just waved him off and flicked through the channels. "your sisters gone so we don't have to worry about her being alone or anything."

"barry's probably going to be busy."

kayden scoffed, "i doubt he'll be to busy for you."

after a couple more minutes of begging stiles finally gave in.






"happy?" stiles said, showing kayden the texts. "very.

as planned the three males made it to stiles apartment around eight, all five guys jumping into stiles car- kayden driving. "shawn mendes seriously?"

kayden said holding up a shawn mendes cd, stiles snatching it from his hand. "hey, watch it."

the five eventually got the the destination, walking in and sitting at the bar. the music fairly loud, just looking at all the alcohol gave stiles a headache. "you know i can't get drunk right?" barry said into stiles ear.

"good, cause i'm going to need someone to make sure i don't do dumb shit."

"like what? drunk call people." barry teased, referring to he night stiles got drunk at call barry. "shut up."

"so you guys finally got together." wally said noticing the closeness of the two guys.

"yeah." barry said with a nod, "he's kinda cool i guess."

"iris owes me 20 bucks." wally said with a smirk.

"you bet on us?"

"well iris said you guys would be to scared to get together, i said it wouldn't stop you guys." wally announced proudly. soon cisco can back from the other side of the bar with a tray of shots. stiles instantly smiled a took one, the liquid burning his throat slightly.

"wow it's been a while." he said, his voice strained.

"let's partyy!" cisco said happily as he passed more to stiles.

"so i tell him, to think the arrow worked with you," stiles slurred, making his voice deeper as he recalled his words. the drunks around him laughed.

the four guys starred at stiles in shock, "dude, your boyfriend is such a lightweight." cisco noted. barry shook his head before walking towards the counter stiles was laying on.

"and then we were like best friends, except i really like barry." stiles continued.

"stiles get off the counter." he said scooping him into his arms. "look it's barry!" he cheered.

"barry!" the people who were listening to stiles drunkenly talk cheered along with him. barry smiled awkwardly at the people before taking the man back towards their friends. "so he's like a secret spilling drunk."

kayden laughed and motioned towards the table next to them. barry placed stiles on the seat, "i'm taking a quick nap okay."

"ten bucks if you can get that girls number." kayden said to cisco, who took the offer, the two guys leaving towards the girl.

barry looked down at stiles who's face was squished against the table and smiled. he poked stiles cheek making him squirm but eventually going back to a deep sleep. "you guys are cute." wally said with a smile.

barry almost forgot he was still there and took his eyes off stiles, rubbing the back of his neck. "thanks."

"i didn't know you were um-" wally said motioning to stiles.

"i didn't either, but this guy is different i guess." he said remembering the night stiles kissed him with a smile.

"i didn't even know stiles was into guys."

barry nodded, "he's pan."

wally smiled down at stiles, "he's happy with you, i can tell."

barry blushed a bit, "i'd hope so." the speedster pushed some of stiles' hair back so it wasn't in his face, but it went back down anyways. stiles opened one eye and grabbed barry's hand- putting it back to his hair and went back to sleep.

barry got the memo and ran his fingers through the sleeping males hair. "i don't know how he can sleep through all this." wally shrugged with a laugh.

"that's some of the cutest shit i've seen." kayden announced, pulling out his phone to record barry and stiles. "oliver and them are going to love this." he said smiling at his phone as he sent the video.

barry felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out, the text from kayden. "i sent it to everyone, don't worry." barry shook his head and looked at the time, it read 12:00.

"here i'm going to take stiles home," barry said handing wally stiles keys. "please don't crash his car, it means a lot to him."

barry picked up stiles and walked towards the exit, making sure nobody was looking before speeding off to stiles apartment, leaving it unlocked just in case kayden didn't have a key.

he placed stiles on the bed softly, taking off his shoes and pulling the covers over him. "can you stay here." stiles asked sleepily.

barry nodded, taking off his shoes and getting under the covers— leaving some space between them. which stiles probably didn't like since he grabbed barry's arm and put it around him.
barry's cheeks flushed, glad that stiles was asleep so he couldn't notice.

his heart pounded in his chest, he felt like it was going to burst. he ran his fingers through stiles hair as he drifted to sleep.

what are you doing to me stiles stilinski.


just some fluff.
as you can tell,,,, stiles does dumb stuff when he's drunk

as you can tell,,,, stiles does dumb stuff when he's drunk

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