six | old teams and new friends

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"WHY ARE YOU SO STUBBORN stilinski." Barry groaned as he saw stiles flop onto this couch and pretend to sleep. "Please just come to the lab, we could use your help especially now that we know you used to work with Oliver." Stiles just 'snored' louder.

"Fine, you asked for it." Barry smirked flashing them both to the lab. "Hey that's not fair asshole!" Stiles said, punching the speedster in the shoulder making the man groan and grab the hurt area. Stiles walked towards the computers– going to put on music– when suddenly he was hopping on one foot, his hand holding the other. "What the fu—." He was cut off by the sound of an unknown voice.

"Watch where your standing mr.stilinski." The man in a wheelchair hummed, rolling towards Barry. "Hey! How do you know my name." He said walking towards the handicapped man.

"You worked with mr.Queen or arrow I should say." The wheelchair bound man said with a sly smirk. This caught everyone off guard–both Barry and stiles unaware he knew about him, cait and Cisco were just surprised they knew who the arrow was now. "How do you.." stiles trailed off, slowly reaching for his knife.

"No need for that c–." The man was interrupted by stiles "stop!" He said. "That's not me anymore. That's why I'm here, starting over." He said as his face hardened.

"Then why were you going to throw a knife my way mr. stilinski?" He questioned with a small smirk. Stiles glared at the man before grabbing his leather jacket and storming out. He quickly dialed a number, seeing as he doesn't have his car. "Hello?"

"Hey, do you mind picking me up? If not it's fine." Stiles said as he exited the building.

"Um no, where are you." The sound of keys jingling was heard through the phone.

"STAR labs." He said hopefully, pulling in his ear. "Why are you at—never mind I'm on my way. Be there in maybe 5 minutes? I was at the muffin place so I'm pretty close."

Stiles smiled, "Thanks Wally." He said before the line went dead. Stiles sat down on the sidewalk waiting for Wally to come get him.
As promised Wally was here in five minutes but right as he was about to get into the car, Barry ran out, normal speed though of course.
"Stiles! Stiles wait." He said agin seeing as stiles ignored his first call. Stiles rolled his eyes and turned around, "what." He asked annoyed.

"Why are you so upset? What did wells say?"
Barry questioned not noticing Wally at all. "More like what he was going to say." He grumbled rolling his.

"And that would be."  Barry urged the man to tell him. Stiles sighed, "one day Barry, I'm just trying to forget it all okay?" He said hopping in the car, at this point Barry noticed Wally. "See you around."

"Yeah, uh, bye Wally, stiles."

"Bye Allen." Wally said with a slight smile before driving off.

"Thanks again Wally." Wally just flashed him a smile.


After Wally dropped off stiles he's been sitting watching tv like a bum for the last 4 hours. Occasionally he would pick up his phone and play a game but mainly he watched tv from different angles. He's currently upside down on his couch watching the maze runner, or something like that. His phone dinged making him grab the device from next to him.

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