eight | bestie-sick

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"STILES. STILES. STILES!" Stiles stilinski jumped when his name was called, dropping the pen he was clicking on the ground. He sighed and picked up the pen, putting it back on to the desk. Saying stiles was distracted was an understatement, he was beyond dejected to anything happening around him. His bestfriend had left merely 6 hours ago, yes, stiles kept track of it. Stiles didn't realize how much he actually missed his friends until he saw them leave central city.

He's been very gloomy since they left for Star city, and everyone noticed it, everyone as in Barry, Cisco, and Caitlyn. Nobody really questioned it though, but after a while they got worried so that's what happening now.

Stiles looked up to see Barry, Caitlyn and Cisco looking at him worriedly. "Oh, hey guys, what's up?" He asked, pulling his mouth into a small smile. The trio could see right through it though. "Are you okay stiles." Cisco asked. Stiles sighed, placing his face on the desk, the pressure squishing his face together. And to be frank, it was adorable, you couldn't deny that.

"Ah, I know what's wrong." The voice of doctor wells said as he rolled into the room. Stiles eyes looked to him, awaiting a theory from the wheelchair bound man. "It seems that he misses his friend, the loud one that smiles a lot." Well said, it's true. Stiles did miss his happy best friend, Kayden Queen.

"So Stiles is bestie-sick." Cisco concluded, making the meta human and female look at him weirdly. "Do you not get it? It's like home sick but he's bet friend sick." Cisco explained.

"Cisco." Caitlyn warned. The man muttered a small 'sorry' and walked away, Caitlyn giving stiles a small smile before following Cisco.
"Did you call him?" Barry asked as he sat on the counter. "Yeah but he didn't answer, probably busy with the team."

"How about we-" Barry was cut off by stiles phone ringing. Stiles eyes instantly lit up with excitement as he saw the name that lit up his phone. "Im gonna take this, I'll see you later?." Stiles said looking at Barry.

"Oh, yeah, of course." Barry said with a small smile, it dropping immediately after stiles turned. "Or I can go get coffee by myself." Barry said lowly.

Stiles walked outside the building and into his car, his phone placed to his ear as he listened to kaden Queen rant about his brother being annoying. "Oliver is just like that Kayden, you of all people should know that." Stiles said with a chuckle as he started up His car and drove down the road- making his way to jitters.

"Already?" Stiles asked sadly, ", yeah I understand okay, bye." Stiles ran a hand through his hair before stepping out of his vehicle and walking into the homey cafe.
"Hey V," Stiles said with a smile. The girl behind the counter instantly looked up and smiled at the male. "Can I get-" stiles wasn't able to finish his sentence as Veronica was already making a drink.

She returned to the counter with a bag and drink and smiled. "One hot cocoa and chocolate chip muffin." Stiles shook his head and handed her the money.

"And what if I wanted something else today." Stiles teased. "Yeah right, have a good night see you tomorrow." Veronica laughed waving to the boy, then going to her next customer.

Stiles took a sip of his hot coco when he approached his car, shortly after he placed the cup on the top of it as he fished for his keys. Stiles furrowed his brows at the sound of footsteps stopping behind him. He froze as a blue light went passed his head and towards his car, making it freeze over the door.

"Car trouble?" Someone asked making him turn around.

"None until you rudely froze my baby." He said bitterly.

The duo shrugged before one of them walked towards stiles- who was to focused on his car being frozen to fight back-and knocked him out.

Leonard Snart smirked as his companion dragged the unconscious male towards the car.


Barry Allen was talking with Cisco Ramon when his phone ringing cut through the conversation. He smiled as he turned away from the computer and answered his phone.
"Hey, Joe, what's up?."

Barry's smile soon faded as he listened to the voice of his foster dad on the other line and soon after he sped out the room,leaving  Dr.wells and Cisco to look at the entry way confused.

The DO NOT CROSS tape made Barry frown, but the vehicle that was parked behind it made him feel all sorts of things. He walked quickly up to the blue Jeep- where joe was.

"Joe, did you find anything." Barry asked worriedly.

"There's no sign of Stiles."

Barry slid a hand over his face as he examined the Jeep. "Oh my god." He whispered. He let out a deep sigh, "We're getting him back. We have to find Snart."

"Damn right we do. Let's go."

As Barry and Joe made it back to the precinct they were met it Eddie Thawn rushing towards them. "Joe, Joe!"

"We found a second pair of prints," The blonde said handing papers to the cop. ", they belong to a mick Rory."

"Who is he?" The speedster questioned.

"Big time arsonist," Eddie started to explain.
", he and snart worked a job last year that went bad. Half of Rory's body was burned in a fire that got out of control."

"He escaped from the ambulance on the way to the hospital and hasn't been seen since." Eddie concludes.

He sighed and turned towards the forensics scientist, "why would they kidnap someone like stiles." Before Barry could answer they were interrupted.

"Joe, Thawn, it's on every station."

The trio- Barry, Eddie And Joe- turned to the tv. Barry Allen could of sworn his heart stopped upon seeing the tv, there showing was Leonard Snart, and in the background a hurt Stiles Stilinski.
With a wicked smirk Leonard Snart stood there, before Talking.

"Greetings citizens of central city."


Okay okay I know switching Caitlyn and Stiles situation was very cliche of me and TRUST ME I didn't want to do it at first but I thought why not? I know most people are against switching how things go so please bear with me on this. I'm going to post another another chapter either Friday or Saturday cause I feel like I owe it to y'all. Anyways comment your thoughts and vote!

 Anyways comment your thoughts and vote!

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