eleven| 2am phone calls

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STILES LAUGHED MINDLESSLY TO himself as he stumbled around his apartment, tripping over items of clothing, books, and any other things a twenty-four year old would have laying around their apartment

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STILES LAUGHED MINDLESSLY TO himself as he stumbled around his apartment, tripping over items of clothing, books, and any other things a twenty-four year old would have laying around their apartment. He wined when he tripped over a pillow, falling on top of a red stiletto he's not sure got there. Though that don't stop him from getting up and throwing the shoe at a wall- the show leaving a mark.

He didn't really take notice to it though, he only crawled on his bed and grabbed his phone, his eyes wandering towards the glowing numbers first- which read 2:00 am.Without thought he opened his contacts and pressed call. The phone ringed for a while before it was answered. "Stiles?" The raspy voice of Barry Allen came through the phone. "Are you okay."

Stiles looked up at his ceiling, saying only one word, that one word enough to break Barry's heart for the man. "No."

Barry got up from his bed, and slowly crept down the stairs and towards the kitchen- getting a water bottle. "Do you want to talk about it."

"Not really but I am anyways," stiles slurred, the phone call starting to make sense, "stiles, are you drunk?"

Stiles laughed, a laugh that Barry hasn't heard in a while, "whaaaat. No that's silly." It was obvious stiles was lying, Barry could tell since his words are slurred. "Okay, well why did you call me."

Stiles hummed, "I don't know I just wanted to talk."

Barry nodded, though he knows stiles can't see him. "About?"

Barry frowned when he heard stiles sniffle, "I just-I just wanted to say I was sorry for ignoring you. I don't want to b-but I don't want to get hurt anymore," stiles said fumbling over his words. ", I can't get hurt anymore." Stiles voice cracked, and so did Barry's heart. It hurt for him, and he couldn't take it.

"It's okay stiles, you don't need to cry."

It seemed as if that simple sentence triggered something in stiles, making him cry harder. "Hey, Uh, calm down okay. I'll be right there." And the call ended with a beep. Stiles grabbed some tissues from his bedside table and threw them on his floor when he was done. About 40 minutes later-stiles being more sober than earlier-Multiple knocks were placed on his door. "Hey I'm just going to come in okay."

Barry walked in, taking in the place. Clothes were littered everywhere, food boxes were placed on his glass table by the tv, the throw pillows were in the kitchen and hallways. He made his was to stiles room, which was surprisingly cleaner than the rest of the house. Barry wondered if stiles even left for work. He hasn't seen him at jitters in the past week, avoiding him or not- Veronica was even clueless. But now he knows, stiles is hiding from the world- again.

Barry quickened his pace when he saw stiles laying in the bed, holding a box of tissues. His eyes immediately went to Barry- who took in his state. No words were needed, Barry sat on stiles bed and pulled the man into a hug before pulling away. "It's okay." Stiles didn't bother hiding his tears- the whole interaction seemingly making him become more sober and Barry noticed.

The speedster got up from the bed and looked for a movie to calm stiles down. He pulled open the cabinet under the tv, only to find many Disney movies. He grabbed beauty and the beast and placed it in the DVD player. He grabbed his backpack and dumped it out on the bed- many different kinds of snacks falling out.
"What is this for." Stiles asked tiredly, picking up the peanut butter bar.

"You were sad so I thought buying you snacks would make you stop. Seeing as your sober now-hopefully, we should watch a movie and talk about this okay." Barry explained.

That's when it all hit stiles, figuratively and literally-seeing as his phone fell on his face after reading the time. His cheeks reddened drastically at the situation, he drunkenly called Barry-whom he has been avoiding for more than a week. "I'm sorry for calling you. You don't have to stay." Barry only shrugged at him- to distracted by the movie.

"This is such a weird movie." Barry commented and turned the volume down, and turned to face stiles instead. "Let's talk about your little, uh, call." Stiles lowered his head, "It was just a little mistake okay."

"You were drunk."

"But was I really?"

"Yes," Barry said with a sigh. ", if you don't wanna talk about it fine, but it will help." Stiles nodded, an unknown feeling washed over him and he found himself leaning towards Barry- who froze. Their lips touched, and after a few seconds Barry pulled away and stood up. "This was nice, but I think I should go now." He said walking towards the door.

"Wait Barry, I'm-," He was cut off by Barry flashing out of the apartment, leaving stiles alone. ",sorry." He whispered to himself as tears flooded his eyes once again. Stiles was angry with himself, he let his emotions get the best of him. "Fuck!" Stiles screamed punching the wall, before sliding down it- cradling his hand. He let out shaky breaths as the kiss replayed over and over in his head, and how Barry left him.

He ruined everything, but what was new.


Word count; 902

Legend has it if you listen closely you can still hear the author crying.
(I know I made him isolate himself many times pls bear with me)

So this chapter was kind of repetitive kinda but that's okay I think. I was actually kind of iffy about this chapter but I realize if I keep second guessing myself I'm never gonna finish an actual chapter. Anyways I hoped you liked this one, vote and comment you thoughts!

 Anyways I hoped you liked this one, vote and comment you thoughts!

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