fourteen| a day with kayden

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"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU doing here?"The voice of Kayden Queen said in disbelief

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"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU doing here?"
The voice of Kayden Queen said in disbelief.

"Happy early birthday?" Stiles said weakly, which was enough for Kaden to pull his best friend into a hug, pulling him inside after. Kayden and Stiles walked down the quiet halls in silence, the comfortable silence. "You can stay in here, why didn't you tell me you were coming I could have at least cleaned."

Stiles chuckled, putting his suitcase on the bed, "well it was a surprise duh," he said flicking kadens forehead. ", and it was also last minute." Kayden nodded at his friend suspiciously, nevertheless he was happy he wasn't alone in the house for a while.

"Should I call everyone over or can I be with my best friend alone for at least a day." Kayden said with a smile. Stiles rolled his eyes and nodded his head towards the door. "What do you want to do, my treat."

Kayden gasped, "Who are you and what have you done with stiles." He said holding on the the mans shoulders, feigning a look of surprise.
",the stiles I know would never offer to pay."

Stiles shoved Kayden playfully and walked towards the front door of the house- mumbling a 'shut up'. "Anyways I will take the offer and say big belly burger in the park."

"The one time I offer to pay and you choose big belly burger in the park."

Kayden shrugged, "well I don't really care what we do, my best friend is here so anything is fine with me."

Stiles smiled teasingly, "Going soft on me already Queen?"

"Hey, your the one who misses me all the time." The dirty blonde says with the roll of his eyes.

Stiles laughed, "well that's my job, I'm the softie and your the tough guy."

",we can't have two softies" He exaggerated, then going on to order their food. Kayden eagerly took the bags and stole some fries handing one to stiles.

The two sat in the quiet park together, noticing how there was no kids out and playing yet made no comment on it- seeing as you hardly see kids around. "Do you think Oliver will remember this year." Kayden said breaking the silence after a while. Stiles turned to look at his best friend with furrowed brows.

"Of course he'll remember, why would you ask something like that? He's your brother." Not mentioning the fact Oliver called him about his brothers birthday a couple of hours ago- oliver wanting it to be a surprise.

Kayden sighed, "he didn't remember the last two years." He said chuckling at the end.

"Kayden, look it just slipped his mind okay? You know him, his mind is always occupied but you know he'll never really forget." Stiles said seriously, handing the rest of his fries to the boy sitting next to him.

"Right, sorry."

After a small moment of silence stiles spoke up again, "Don't he to hard on oliver okay? He loves you, your his brother."

",he's just scared to talk to you cause you always push him away when he tries to."

Kayden nodded, "How long are you staying here." He said changing the subject.

Stiles shrugged, "how ever long you want me to."

"For good." He said jokingly, though it held more truth than he knew. "I wish." The brunette chuckled. ",but your always welcomed at my place you know."

"Anyways, lets go now." Stiles said leading the way to the car, stopping when he noticed Kayden standing by the bench still.

"You really thought I brought us to the park just to eat? I don't know about you but I'm going on the swings."

Kayden smirked before continuing, "last one there is an ugly egg." And with that they both took off, Kayden winning. "It's rotten egg! Not ugly egg."

"Pa-ta-toe, potato" Kayden said with the flick of his hand. Stiles bent over, trying to catch his breath. "I'm not even going to try and correct you on that one."

Kayden watched as stiles stood up straight again, "you'd think after working with Oliver for so long you'd have at least a little endurance"

"You know what? Shut up."


"Please stiles!" Kayden whined, throwing a pillow at him. Stile threw his hands up, "fine."

He glared at the man who was pulling the blanket up to his chin, and walked up the stairs and into the guest room he was staying in. He rummaged through his suitcase, and grabbed a small box wrapped in black wrapping paper.
When he made his way downstairs and sat next to he best friend, handing him the box.

"Happy early birthday I guess."

His small frown was replaced with a smile when he saw Kayden happily rip open the paper. Kayden carefully pulled the top off the small box, his eyes widening after. He pulled the bar necklace out, the bar reading kayden engraved in it. "I know it's kind of girly I just didn't know what to get you."

"No, this is a great present, I really like it."

Stiles sighed, "Good cause that shit cost a lot and I lost the receipt." They both laughed loudly.

That's how the rest of the night went on, the two laughed to the point of tears, ate a lot of junk food, and binge watched their favorite shows. They had not one problem, and it was perfect.

Word count : 907

Here's just a chapter of stiles and Kayden being the soft people they are, no matter how tough they act. I actually kinda liked this chapter???
Anyways vote and comment your thoughts:)

 I actually kinda liked this chapter???Anyways vote and comment your thoughts:)

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