twelve| secrets

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STILES WAS ANGRY, HE WAS ANGRY AT Barry Allen, the man who totally rejected him without even saying it

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STILES WAS ANGRY, HE WAS ANGRY AT Barry Allen, the man who totally rejected him without even saying it. He was angry at central city, he was angry with his friend-oliver Queen- even letting him leave his only known home, Star city. But most of all, he was angry with himself, for even thinking Barry Allen-the guy in love with iris west, would ever reciprocate his feelings.

Stiles was just done with central city, and everyone in it, and by everyone he means Barry. Stiles knows it's not really Barry's fault though, he cant force people to return feelings, but he just can't not put the blame and hurt on someone else. He doesn't care anymore, he's not going to hide out in his room and let a guy bring him down into a corner. That's exactly why stiles is currently standing behind the counter of jitters, taking orders. "Thank you and have a great day."

"Someone's chirpy today." The voice of Veronica Masons said pulling on her cap, his eyes wandered to the little words written on them stiles is the best, whereas he has the words roni is the best on his. He smiled at the girl before shrugging, "I'm just trying a new thing."

"What happiness?"

Stiles scoffed at the short girl next to him, "What do you mean? I'm always happy."

"When was the last time you came into work happy. Someone or something has always left a frown on your face."

Stiles decided to ignore that and continue after her, "well if you must know, I meant I'm trying not to let stupid things get to me anymore."

"Ah, I see. Switch." Stiles nodded and walked towards the machines while she took over cashier. He hummed when Veronica stuck an order on his forehead. ", gee thanks, very kind of you to lessen my worries of forgetting the order." He said while making the coffee.

"Thank you and have a good day." Veronica said with a smile, before turning to face her companion. ", so are you every gonna tell me that big secret of yours?"

Stiles turned towards Veronica, he totally forgot he told her he would tell her what happened, everything had just been to much and he just forgot. "I'm sorry, I just forgot, maybe after work we can grab some food and head to my place." Roni only nodded and got back to work.

Stiles and Veronica chatted as nobody came in, agreeing to switch once the bell rang. "Have you seen iris?" Stiles asked playing with a napkin. "Shes been out for a while, why?" The girl said with a shrug.

Stiles only mumbled a just asking. The bell ring throughout the cafe, "switch." The girl said. Three very familiar people walked in, and stiles pulled his mouth into a smile. "Welcome to jitters, what would you guys like?" He said trying to subtly avoid eye contact with Barry.

"Three coffees and four chocolate chip muffins." Cisco said with a soft smile. Stiles nodded and stuck the order on Veronica's head making her punch him. "Ow,"He said with a smile. ",I didn't punch you." Veronica only stuck her tongue out and started making the coffees while stiles grabbed four fresh muffins.
"Here you go, that will 10.45"

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