three | man purse

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THE BIRDS CHIRPED HAPPily as if nothing was wrong, well, nothing was wrong, yet

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THE BIRDS CHIRPED HAPPily as if nothing was wrong, well, nothing was wrong, yet. Nothing ever stays good, well besides kaydens last birthday, it was the most peaceful day that starling ever had. It's been a week since stiles moved in. It's been a week stiles got a note taped to his old mask. It's been a week since stiles had a good sleep without the fear of being watched. It's been a week since stiles left his place. For the past week stiles ordered pizza or Chinese. Nothing else.

He stayed on his couch watching tv, barely getting sleep. He's even ignored everyone's text from starling. They were worried about him, the hyperactive boy usually always texting them. But he was scared and trying to find out who e.t is the only person who knew his name here was iris but it couldn't be her. He sighed and trudged his way to his shower and got dressed.

After grabbing his keys, wallet, and phone, he jumped into his car and drove. He was gonna look for a job, he is pretty much qualified for anything really. He could be a cop, which pays well, or he could work at a little store or cafe. Of course being a very responsible and realist person, he picked applying for a job at jitters. "I'd be a pretty hot barista." He hummed filling out the papers. "We'll let you know if you get accepted, but you most likely will, nobody ever applies here." The girl chuckles. "She's just gonna make sure you don't have a criminal record and your pretty much in"

Stiles nodded walking out, not before ordering a hot chocolate. It was all a blur, one second he was walking out the door drinking his coco, and then next he was on the floor, his hot coco spilled all over him. " Holy shit, hot! Very fucking hot!" He yelled, pulling the hot wet shirt over his head, letting it rest in his hands—leaving him in only his muscle shirt.

"I'm so sorry."

Stiles stilinski looked up to see a tall , lanky man. Holding a.... purse thing? "It's fine, nice man purse." He nodded his head towards the purse like item hanging over his shoulder.
"It's not a 'man purse' , it's a satchel." He huffed.

"Okay then." Stiles chuckled, reaching down to pick up the now empty cup from the floor. "Sorry again, I'll buy you a new one." He offered, which stiles shook his head at.

"Really its fine, I'm stiles stilinski, yes stiles stilinski." He stated the last part as if he had said it more than once before.

"Barry Allen," he said with a smile. "Well I'm late for work so... I'll see you around?" Stiles just nodded, watching as the man ran off, dodging pedestrians walking in his way.


"Wait so someone in central city knows about you?" The voice of kaden Queen came from stiles phone, they were currently FaceTiming.
"Well that's what I just said." He said, shoveling more of his Frosted Flakes in his mouth.

"No need for the tude sir." Stiles rolled his eyes, giving him the finger. "So you ignored us because of that?" Stiles just sat there, thinking back at it, it was very stupid to ignore his friends who he could go to. "See, you shouldn't of left."

"I'm more safe here than I was there!" He exclaimed, getting up off his couch to put his now empty bowl away. "But you actually had people here to protect you if you needed it. Oliver and Diggle would of hunted that person and put an arrow in him!" Kayden whined falling on to his bed.

"That's the thing, I shouldn't need protection period, I should be able to go outside and not feel scared someone is going to attack me." He said seriously, making Kayden go quite. He sighed as Kayden still hasn't moved or talked, and looked at his clock. They have been talking for 5 hours. "Can I talk to Oliver." Kayden only walked away and soon after footsteps were heard. No, Kayden wasn't mad, he was sad. Stiles is his best friend, of course he would want him back with him. It's just not the right time.

After a couple minutes of waiting Oliver came into view. "Hey Stiles, what's wrong?" He said sitting criss cross, though his face shows no emotion, both stiles and himself know he was concerned. "Someone here knows."

"What? Knows what?" Oliver asked, more alert.

"What I am, who I am." He emphasized on who, so he understands what he meant clearly.
Oliver only sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Do you want me come over there and stay for a bit? You know what I will. Diggle!" He yelled

"No it's fine, I promise." He interrupted, a wary smile on his face. Oliver stared at him, making sure he was telling the truth.

"Fine, but if anything else happens call me or Diggle. Dont Shut us out."

"I won't, promise." He stuck his pinkie up, showing it to the camera. "Bye, tell Kayden I said sorry." The phone beeped, signaling someone hung up.


When Stiles stilinski woke up, he grabbed his phone squinting his eyes as the light blinded him. As the blurry numbers cleared up he read 4:00 am. He sighed getting up and walking into his decent sized kitchen. As he reached to grab a cup from the top of the cabinet he heard his window slide open. He quietly walked towards the noise, his fist clenching in a fighting position. As he rounded the corner he saw a man sitting on his chair, smiling as if he knew he were coming.

"Hello Stiles."

Authors note.

Word count : 964
Wow this was bad anyways vote and comment your thoughts on this!! ❤️

Word count : 964Wow this was bad anyways vote and comment your thoughts on this!! ❤️Voidbiles-💘

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