four | do you know the muffin man

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Stiles Stilinski gasped for air as he awakened from his dream— more like a nightmare

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Stiles Stilinski gasped for air as he awakened from his dream— more like a nightmare. The face of the man now blurry seeing as he tried his hardest to forget it, fearing it might come true. He looked at the clock which read 6:00 am. He sat up, staring at his wall for a while, showing no signs of moving, before he pulled his comforters off and pulled his phone off his charger. He walked to his fridge and scanned it, looking for something to eat.

The male settled with leftover pizza, since he's to lazy to make an actual breakfast. For about an hour he sat watching tv, he absentmindedly found himself watching the news— something about some 'flash'. He pulled out his phone— his pizza hanging from his mouth— and texted felicity.


And so felicity sent him everything about him she knows, well except on thing— his name. That's for him to find out. "Hmm, your very interesting flash." He hummed putting his plate away. His phone emitted a ding while he was reading more, it was from an unknown number.


He smiled before it fell as he looked at the time, it was 8:15. He got dressed so fast you could call him the flash. He got in his car a drove, making it there at exactly 8:30.

He recomposed himself before walking in, smiling at the girl who was behind the desk.
"Hey, I'm stiles?" He said to the girl, who nodded in return. "Hey, just on time. I'm Veronica. Your just going to be taking orders today but it will make them at some point." She said handing him an apron and a hat, which he immediately put on.

He grabbed one of the notebooks and made his way to different tables— taking their orders.


It was a fast couple of hours before he was able to clock out, and when he did he was happy. Now he can just go home and sleep. "Stiles!" Or not. He turned to see iris standing next to a boy who looked quite similar to her. "Hey."
"Why didn't you tell me you got a job here. Now we can work together, sadly I was off today." Stiles just chuckled

"Oh right! This is my little brother Wally, I was thinking he can show you the best places in central city." She said pushing her brother and the man out of the cafe.

"So he's my tour guide?" Stiles question as she went to walk back into jitters. "Pretty much. Have fun! Exchange numbers and be best friends or something!" She yelled walking into the cafe.

A silence washed over the two, awkwardly standing in front of the cafe. Before stiles broke it. "I'm stiles stilinski." He said holding his hand out which Wally shook. "Wally west. By the way is that your rea—" Wally was cut off by stiles, "yes, well that's the name I go by."

"So stiles is your name but not your name." He questioned with an amused smile. "Exactly."

"Well shall we go." Wally said motioning towards the sidewalk, stiles nodded walking towards him. "Wait— I brought my car." He chuckled. "Can you drive?" Wally nodded, stiles contemplating weather or not to trust the young boy but ended up throwing the keys to him, which he obviously caught.

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