ten| Im sick

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"STILES ISNT HERE RIGHT NOW please leave a message after the beep

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"STILES ISNT HERE RIGHT NOW please leave a message after the beep." Stiles yelled from the couch when he heard a knock on his door. "I know your in there stiles."

"No I'm not," he said again, ", I mean no he's not." He corrected himself, stuffing a handful of Froot Loops in his mouth as he flipped through the channels. "Stiles." The voice groaned, though this time stiles chose to ignore the person standing outside his door and instead stopping on spongebob. "Fine, I'm coming back later though." The voice said lowly, leaving stiles alone.

Stiles stared at his tv, then the clock above it. He has work at 12:30, an hour from now. He groaned loudly before getting up and dragging himself to his room to get ready so he could have time to relax before he goes in. His shower was longer than expected almost 40 minutes. Well what did you expect when you stand in there thinking- something he should do more- for half of the time he was in there.

Last week was a real eye opener, he was three seconds close to death. He would be six feet under right now if it wasn't for joe, he owned him his life. Stiles came to a realization that he did the exact opposite of what he came to Central city to do. He was trying to get away from the vigilante/ hero stuff, but ironically befriended a hero. Why leave Star city of He was going to jump right back into the danger.

He put his apron on when he walked through the doors of Jitters, a smile gracing his lips when he saw his two friends-Veronica and Iris- who both either waved or smiled at the male. He got behind the counter-letting the cashier who was currently there move and go back to making the coffees-and started taking orders from the people in line.

When the line slowly dispersed stiles sighed and leant against the counter- his mind wandering about what he's doing with his life.
"What's got you frowning? Your normally the life of this cafe?" The smooth voice of Veronica Masons asked a worried look upon her face.
"I wish I could tell you-tell anybody, but I can't, nobody would really understand." Stiles said with a sad smile.

"Try me." She said scanning the cafe before jumping on the counter. Stiles bit his lip, he could either a, talk about his problems and expose himself as one of the vigilante from Star city or b, bottle his problems inside and tell her something random. He sighed rubbing his hand over his face. "How about this, you take my fake reason for now and I'll tell you tomorrow somewhere quiet." She rolled her eyes but nodded anyways.

"Well I'm just overthinking my move here." He said with a smile, but maybe this "fake reason" held more truth than he knew. She just nodded and hopped off the counter when she heard the bell ring from the door. Stiles eyes widened when he saw Barry and Cisco conversing as they walked in. Stiles quickly ducked under the counter and whisper shouted to Veronica, "Shh, I'm not here, I'm sick." She was confused but nodded anyways.

"Hey what can I get you?" She politely asked the duo. "Uh, can we get 2 coffees and chocolate chip cookies." The voice of Barry asked. Veronica nodded and rang them up. Before they left Barry turned to the girl again.
"Umm, did stiles come in my any chance."

Veronica shook her head, "He's out sick today sorry."

"Oh okay, thanks anyways."

Once he heard the door close he got up slowly. "Does this little reason of yours have anything to do with him." She asked crossing her arms.
Stiles just nodded and got back to his work.


STILES SIGHED IN CONTENT when he jumped into his bed, not even bothering to take his shoes off. He had spilled coffee of himself three times, messed up orders four times and tripped over air twice. He's never been more embarrassed, Veronica let him leave early-claiming she will cover his shift, at first he said no but they came to an agreement that he'll cover one of her shifts whenever she wants. He groaned loudly as he thought about when the bell on the door rang and he jumped- spilling the freshly brewed coffee all over himself.

"I hate my life." He said to himself, he went to reach for his phone when he realized it wasn't there, he left it at jitters. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream. Stiles was so upset at the fact he's letting that stupid near death experience get to him this bad. He gripped his sheets to keep himself from punching a wall or something. A knock on his front door made him release his sheets. He laid there, not having the energy to get up.

"I just came from jitters and weirdly I found a phone in the men's bathroom, It really looks like yours but you were sick the whole day," The voice of Barry Allen muffled through the door, stiles could still hear clearly though.
", then I came to a realization, you weren't sick and your avoiding me, I knew this because you always have you phone on you, but this phone had a familiar picture on the lock screen. Anyways I brought it."

Stiles heard a jingle of the knob and the phone was soon in his hand, Barry nowhere to be seen, so he assumed he let himself out. "I don't know why your avoiding me, but it doesn't really feel good. Just.. I hope you know you can talk to me. It took me about thirty seconds to get in your phone but I did and I put my number in there if you do decide you want to talk to me." Nothing more came after that, stiles was alone, but it was his fault and he knew it, if he didn't want to be alone he should have told Barry to stay yet he didn't.

Stiles unlocked his phone and scrolled through his contacts, where in fact the name 'barry⚡️' was, smiling at the emoji he used. His finger hovered over the call button, but decided against it and shut off his phone- throwing it to a random part of his bed. He shut his eyes and sighed, "Why is my life so damn confusing."

not sure how I feel about this one but after a thousand years I finally posted.
Anyways vote and comment your thoughts!

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