Chapter 63 - First time ever date

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"Good Morning Nishikata!"

(U-Uhh... S-She actually came. T-Takagi san is so... beautiful.)

"I thought you said I'll meet you here at Rozan Park."

"Uhh yeah I did."

"Hmm? Nishikata are you okay? You look sweaty all of a sudden."

"Huh? N-No this is nothing Takagi san." (She's a pretty special today.)

"I really wanna go shopping today Nishikata. Wanna come?"

"Yeah sure! That's why I invite you."


"Heh... I'd like to admit it. It's a date."

"Ohh I see that's why you invited me. I'm glad Nishikata."

The two went on a date. They look like a couple walking on the street. Nishikata treat her to ride on a taxi going to the mall. Nishikata is sure really blushing so hard because of inexperience date and he has to be careful or he'll get teased by Takagi. After that they enter to the mall and find something to wear for Takagi.

"Nishikata come here for a sec."

"What Takagi san?"

"Do I look great on this dress?"


"Umm... its better if you try it on."

"Really? Okay then."

(Man you gotta hide your embarrassment or you won't feel the date. Also you'll make her happiness go ruined.)


"Nishikata how do I look."

his eyes sparkled brightened and was surprised because Takagi really look good on that dress.

"What do you think Nishikata?"

Nishikata smiles and said. "You look good... Takagi san."

"Yay! I'm gonna take this!"

"Wha? Wait easy there Takagi san! We don't know how much is that dress!"

"HAHAHA! Don't worry I'm the one who'll buy this."

"Wasn't it supposed to be me whose gonna buy that for ya?"


"Nishikata look! Arcade."

"Arcade? Yeah that looks fun let's go!"

"Hey... you wanna bet?"


"How about Mini hockey."

(Mini hockey? That's a great idea Takagi san! I can beat you to that game.)

Two of them went to Mini hockey game.

"Nishikata remember if each of us loose will try the dance floor later."

"Bring on Takagi san!"

Then they play hockey game as they use their hands to swipe the coin-like hockey puck shape to their own goal. Nishikata took a first shot and was goal Nishikata had 1 point than Takagi. Takagi threw the hockey puck on Nishikata's goal but was blocked and threw against Takagi but Takagi keeps on blocking while she's countering Nishikata's attacks. The hockey puck keeps on going back to Nishikata until it went on a goal. Takagi was so happy that she took a goal to Nishikata however Nishikata took a revenge on her.

"That's a point for you Takagi san but I won't let you score this time."

The game is always just the same as Takagi keeps on countering Nishikata's attacks until it went goal. Takagi scored 5 points as a Winner. Nishikata feel down and was scared to take the punishment.

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