Trial and Error

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It was a bright Saturday morning and the new Cutie Mark Crusaders were in their clubhouse, holding their first official meeting since the initiation of their newest member. The pegasus Prism stood at the podium, the earth pony triplets and the unicorn Gemstone gathered on the floor in front of her.

"Okay, Crusaders!" Prism announced. "As your leader, I get to list the first order of business..."

"Hold on a moment!" Gemstone exclaimed, raising her hoof. "Who elected you leader?"

The pegasus blinked. "No pony. I just thought since this whole thing was my idea..."

"Why can't I be leader?"

"Actually," Blueberry said, "neither of you can be leader." She held up the rule book. "Rule 5 states that a single pony cannot run the club. Power must be divided equally among all members."

"Oh," Prism uttered, her shoulders sagging. "Okay, so I won't be leader. How about I be...Spokespony instead?"

Cherry tilted her head. "What does a spokespony do?"

"You know. Speaks. Makes speeches, runs meetings..."

"Why does it have to be you?" Gemstone argued.

The pegasus smacked herself in the forehead. "Don't tell me you want to be Spokespony too!"

"Not particularly, but why do you get a fancy position?"

"Tell you what. We'll all get positions. That'll be our first order of business. Blueberry, does the rulebook say anything about positions?"

Blueberry did not even glance at the book to answer. "Rule 6 says that it's okay for each member to have particular responsibilities, such as Secretary and Treasurer. However, since there are five of us, we're going to need to come up with some new responsibilities."

"What's a secretary?" Raspberry asked.

"The secretary basically records everything that happens at meetings."

"Ooh! Can I do that? I can write really fast!"

"It's true," Cherry nodded. "She can."

"Okay," Prism said. "Raspberry will be Secretary."

"Awesome!" the magenta pony cried.

She brought out a notepad and pencil and started scribbling.

"Did you have that all along?" Gemstone inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep!" Raspberry chimed, her scribbling hoof not missing a beat. "I always carry a notebook and pencil with me! Don't you?"

Prism stared at the magenta filly for a long time and then shook her head. "So who wants to be treasurer?"

"What does she do?" Cherry asked.

"The treasurer manages money," Blueberry replied, "and comes up with ways to get money."

Gemstone gasped. "Can I do that? My father has plenty of money we could use!"

"Why would we need money?" Prism inquired.

"Well," said Blueberry, "we'll need snacks and equipment for earning our cutie marks."

"Good point. Alright, Gem, you're treasurer."

While Gemstone squealed with delight, Prism glanced between the rule book and Blueberry.

"Hey, Blue," she said. "Did you memorize that entire book?"

"Uh-huh!" Blueberry nodded.

"Incredible. Hey! That could be your job! Remembering all the rules and making sure we follow them! What do they call ponies who do that?"

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