Until We Meet Again

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Prism yawned as she arose from her slumber. She smiled when she saw Tank's shell at the foot of her bed, his head and feet tucked in as he slept. She rubbed the top of the shell affectionately before climbing out of bed and trotting over to the calendar. She picked up the red marker with her mouth and crossed off yesterday.

Then she dropped the pen as her jaw dropped. Written on today's date was Prism-10.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, her tiny wings fluttering. "It's my birthday!"

Tank popped his head out of his shell to see what the commotion was. He tilted his head in confusion when he saw his young owner dancing around the room, chanting:

"It's my birthday! It's my birthday! It's my birthday!"

She paused and gasped. "Which means..."

The filly immediately raced downstairs. Finding no pony in the kitchen, she continued on to the living room. Scootaloo welcomed her with open hooves.

"There's the birthday..."

But Prism ran past her aunt and to her siblings who were looking out the window.

"Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet?"

Lightning turned to her sister and chuckled. "Calm down, squirt. No, they're not here yet, but they should be here soon." She sat down and gave her sister a squeeze. "Happy Birthday, sis."

Prism looked past her sister. "Are they here yet?"

Thunder shook his head. "Nope. Not yet."

"Okay." The filly paused. "How about now?"

Her brother sighed. "No."

She tapped her hoof and glanced at the clock on the wall.

"They here now?"

"No!" Thunder snapped, giving her a frustrated look. "Stop asking!"

Prism hung her head. "Sorry. It's just that we haven't seen Mom or Dad since Aunt Twilight's wedding, and that was a month ago. They said they'd be here."

"You can chill, squirt," Lightning assured her. "They haven't missed your birthday yet."

"They missed ours though," Thunder grumbled.

She shot her brother a glare. "You're not helping!"

"Yeah, yeah." He gasped suddenly and pulled the curtain over the window. "They're here!"

The girls squealed excitedly.

"Positions, every pony!" Scootaloo announced, ducking behind the couch.

"Okay," Lightning whispered to Prism, leading her into the kitchen. "Remember, just like we practiced."

"Roger," the filly giggled.

She hid behind the doorway and grinned in delight. She couldn't wait to see the looks on her parents' faces once they saw the surprise.

There was a knock at the door and Lightning joined Scootaloo behind the couch. She signaled to her brother standing beside the door. He opened it so he would be concealed behind it.

"Happy Birth...day?"

Rainbow Dash and Soarin trailed off when they noticed the room empty. The mare shook her head with a chuckle.

"They're doing it again." She went along with it. "Oh, goodness! There's no pony here!"

"You don't think they forgot we were coming, did you?" Soarin shouted, winking at his wife.

C.M.C.T.N.G  Daughter of discordWhere stories live. Discover now