The Strange Case of Cheese Sandwich

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It was reading time for the Tri-Pies, when the three of them would curl up on their beds and read their respective library books. Cherry giggled at the latest issue of Bitsie and Vanilla, Raspberry sighed as she read The Wide-Awake Princess, and Blueberry flipped through the pages of an Agatha Crusty novel.

Cherry looked up from her comic for a moment and noticed how speedily her sister was going through her book.

"Are you even reading it?"

"Yeah," Blueberry said, her eyes not leaving the pages. "It's okay. The words are still in my head. Auntie Twilight says I have photographic memory."

Raspberry's head shot up as she blinked. "Photographic what?"

"Photographic memory. It kind of works like a camera. I remember everything I see."

Cherry and Raspberry glanced at each other.

"How come we don't have that?" they asked together.

"I don't know," Blueberry said with a shrug.

"What are you reading, anyway?" Raspberry inquired. "Another Nancy Horseshoe book?"

"Nah. I finished the series a week ago. This is Agatha Crusty. Auntie Twilight says she's one of the greatest mystery writers ever. So far, I agree with her."

"The book good?" Cherry asked.

"Amazing! Would you believe this woman was married to her supposedly dead husband for years and didn't realize it?"

"Wow! That is amazing!"

"Wait," Raspberry said. "You never told us you finished the Nancy Horseshoe series. When did you even find the time? We only go to the library once a week."

"Oh, I've actually gone seven times a week," Blueberry said.

"You've gone to the library without us?"

"I finished the books so fast, I couldn't wait until the end of the week."

"But...we always go together."

"Sorry, but I just couldn't wait."


"Shush! Parrot is about to nab the bad guy!"

There was a knock at the door and a cheerful stallion's voice called: "Can I come in?"

"What's the password?" Cherry teasingly asked as she bounced over to the door.

"Call the doctor, beg and plead..."

"Doctor, tell me what I need!" Cherry continued as she opened the door.

Their father, wearing a bright blue shirt, burst in and swept the little red filly in his hooves.

"Try to put a little cheese in your knees!" they finished together.

"And how are my favorite girls doing today?" the red-headed orange stallion with green eyes inquired.

"Blueberry's reading about some woman with a husband in disguise and Raspberry's mad at her for going to the library without us," Cherry explained. "Oh, and we found out Blueberry has photographic memory."

"Is that so?" Red Shoes asked, looking down at the blue filly. "Alright, Smarty Pants. What did we have for breakfast yesterday morning?"

Blueberry rolled her eyes. "Pancakes."

"What kind?"

"I had blueberry, Raspberry had raspberry, Cherry had cherry, Mom had chocolate chip and you had the same as hers but with mayonnaise on top."

C.M.C.T.N.G  Daughter of discordWhere stories live. Discover now