Weekend at Uncle Discord's: Day Two

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It was a sure sign this day was going to be a disaster when Zany suddenly started crying in his highchair.

"Oh goodness," Fluttershy said, taking her baby into her hooves.

"Not again!" Discord groaned. "What's he crying about this time?"

"Maybe he's hungry."

"We just fed him six gallons of chocolate milk!"

"That's it! He needs burping!"

Fluttershy laid him over her shoulder and patted him gently on the back. He let out a burp loud enough to shake the entire castle.

"P.U.!" Discord exclaimed, summoning a plug for his nose. "No more chocolate for you, mister!"

The infant started wailing again.

"Now look what you've done!" Fluttershy scowled.

"What?" Discord said. "I didn't think he'd take it that hard!"

He covered his ears as Zany's cries grew louder. "Shut up! Your sister was never this whiny!"

That very same sister burst into the kitchen.

"Mom!" Screwball panted. "In the garden! The beavers and chipmunks are at it again!"

"Oh dear," Fluttershy squeaked. "Here, take Zany."

She dropped the baby into her husband's paw and claw before following her daughter.

"Oh, sure!" Discord complained. "Give me the hard job!"

Zany wailed again to make sure he was being acknowledged.

"I know, I know!" his father yelled.

He sniffed the foal's diaper and put the nose plug back on. "Yep, it's the diaper."

Discord snapped his fingers so Zany's dirty diaper was replaced with a clean one. Sadly, the baby would not stop whining. The draconequus sighed, as he had prayed it would not come to this.

"Please do not cry, my dear," he sang. "Your daddy is still very here..."

But Zany still wouldn't cease his tantrum and started kicking his hooves.

"Oh, come on! It worked on your sister!"

Just outside the kitchen, Thunder and Lightning were engaged in a paintball match.

"Come back here, you!" Thunder yelled, shooting blue paint at her.

Lightning laughed as she jumped out of the way. "You shoot like a girl!"

"Hey, take that back!"

"Catch me if you can!"


He fired again, but this time, the paintball soared past its target and into the kitchen, hitting Discord squarely in the back of the head. Zany stopped crying for a moment and chuckled at the situation.

"Uh oh," the twins said.

Discord's head spun around like an owl's, his eyes glaring dangerously at the two hooligans.

"That," he uttered, "was a mistake."

He slowly set his son down and made a four-star army helmet appear on his head and a machine gun in his paw and claw. The twins watched in horror as he aimed the terrifying weapon at them.

"Say hello to my little friend."

The two teenagers did not hesitate to run.

"You won't get away that easily!" Discord shouted as he flew after them.

C.M.C.T.N.G  Daughter of discordWhere stories live. Discover now