The Secret Admier

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Hearts and Hooves Day was drawing near, and the fillies and foals of Mrs. Cheerilee's class were busy making their boxes for their cards.

"Now remember, kids," the teacher said, "so no pony feels left out, you must make a card for every pony in the class. At Friday's Hearts and Hooves Day Party, you can either put your cards in their respective boxes or give them personally."

"This is fun!" Raspberry exclaimed as she messily glued paper hearts to her pink box. "Hearts and Hooves Day just might be my favorite holiday!"

Blueberry smirked. "I thought that was Hearth's Warming."

"Well, Hearts and Hooves Day is my favorite holiday this month!"

In the back of the room, Gemstone was carefully pasting plastic jewels to her lilac box. She placed a green one on the front, but then frowned and put it down. She tried a pink one, but it did not quite look right. After testing several other colors, she groaned and turned to her best friend.

"Prism, do you have any red...?"

She trailed off when she saw the pegasus' box. The lid had six thick stripes drawn vertically across, each a different color of the rainbow, just like Prism's mane. On the long sides were three perfectly drawn hearts each and on the short sides, one each. A rainbow ribbon connected all the hearts together.

"Prism, that's gorgeous!" Gemstone complimented.

"Yeah," Prism said indifferently. "Too bad Mrs. Cheerilee didn't have a marker in indigo. I don't care what they say! Indigo's a color of the rainbow!"

The green pegasus colt with red hair that was sitting in front of her turned around to look at her box.

"Gee, Penguin," he smirked. "I didn't think you liked that mushy stuff."

Prism narrowed her eyes at the colt. "For your information, Kicks, I like Hearts and Hooves Day not because of the lovey-dovey stuff, but it's fun to make things for all my friends."

"What friends?"

Gemstone coughed. "Me, friends. And don't forget the Tri-Pies. Now, I may not be the best at math, but I believe that's four more friends than you have."

"Hey! I have friends!"

"Name 'em," Prism dared.

"There's Pin Cushion!"

"Uh huh," Gemstone nodded. "And?"

Kicks opened his mouth to speak, but it just remained open as his eyes wandered in thought.

"Shut up!" he finally said, turning back to his work.

His box was just a mess of glue and paper. His hearts looked more like circles, or lop-sided triangles.

"I can't believe I have to make a card for that guy," Prism grumbled to her friend.

"What's his problem, anyway?" Gemstone whispered.

"Heck if I know! He's been picking on me since kindergarten!"

"You don't have to make the card that nice. You could just give him one that says 'Happy Hearts and Hooves Day' and leave it at that. Which reminds me. Could you come to my house after school and help me with my cards? I mean I can make them all right, but the writing..."

"Hey, no problem, though you should really ask Raspberry for help. She writes the best Hearts and Hooves Day cards! She always puts a little poem in them."

Gemstone sighed. "No, that's okay. If I wanted a poem in my cards, it would be my own. I can't have some pony be my ghost writer, especially one of my best friends! I just need some pony to help me write 'Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Love, Gemstone.'"

C.M.C.T.N.G  Daughter of discordWhere stories live. Discover now