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Lemon Drop rubbed his eyes as he awoke from his slumber. He glanced outside and gasped when he saw white. He pressed his face against the window to check if his suspicions were correct. Ponyville was covered in a fresh blanket of snow.

"Woo hoo!" the unicorn colt exclaimed as he jumped on his bed. "The first snow of my first winter in Ponyville! On a Saturday too!"

He gasped and came to a sudden halt. "I gotta go find Razz!"

He leaped to the floor and was about to rush out the door when he remembered he hadn't fed his mice yet. He went to the cage on the dresser, opened it, grabbed a small box and shook food pellets into the little dish. Two little white mice scrambled to it.

"There you go, Swiss and Gouda," he whispered. "Eat up."

He set the box down and closed the cage before returning to his earlier enthusiasm. He whizzed down the stairs and past the kitchen where Bon-Bon was cooking eggs and Lyra was reading the morning paper.

"Morning, Mom! Morning, Mom! Love you so much, bye-bye!" he called to them.

"Wait, what?" Lyra said, looking up from her paper.

"Lemon Drop?" Bon-Bon called, looking over her shoulder. "Where you off to in such a hurry?"

"It's the first snow of winter!" Lemon Drop replied as he got his hat, scarf and boots off the coat rack. "I'm going to Raspberry's so we can go play! She's been talking about our first winter together for weeks! We're gonna make snow ponies, throw snowballs, ride that giant sled she won't stop talking about..."

"Whoa there, kiddo!" Lyra chuckled, putting a hoof on her son's shoulder. "It's nice that you're excited about the snow and all, but you're not going anywhere until you've had your breakfast."

"Aw, but Mom!" the colt whined. "Razz is waiting for me! And if I'm late, she'll yell at me!"

"Lyra's right, sweetie," Bon-Bon agreed as she slid the fried eggs onto a plate. "If you're going out in the cold, you're going to need something warm in your belly. Besides, it's early. I'll bet Raspberry hasn't even finished her breakfast yet."

"You don't know Razz," Lemon Drop grumbled as he joined his mothers at the table.

"Now, now. Don't give me that pout, mister. You can go as soon as you've finished your eggs."

The colt sighed as he picked up his fork and started eating.

"You seem to be looking forward to spending the day with Raspberry," Lyra noted.

"Sure!" Lemon Drop replied with his mouth full. "She's my girlfriend, isn't she?"

"Don't talk with your mouth full, honey," Bon-Bon said as she closed her son's jaw.

"I think it's really cute," Lyra giggled, "you having a girlfriend at this age. Why, I didn't have a significant other until I was seventeen." She sighed. "That only lasted two weeks though."

Lemon Drop tilted his head. "Then how did you and Mommy Bon-Bon get married?"

The mares laughed.

"Oh no, sweetie," Lyra explained. "I didn't know Bon-Bon then."

He blinked. "Huh?"

"My first relationship was with a stallion named Thunder Lane."

"Mine was with a stallion too," Bon-Bon smirked. "That was before I realized stallions weren't my thing, of course."

Lemon Drop blinked again. "I don't understand."

"What don't you understand, honey?"

"I thought you guys only dated one pony. Each other, I mean."

C.M.C.T.N.G  Daughter of discordWhere stories live. Discover now