Weekend at Uncle Discord's: Day One

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"What do you mean you're leaving?"

"Sorry, RJ," Scootaloo said as she packed her suitcase. "But Snips and Snails booked us a gig in Las Pegasus. As much as I love hanging with you guys, we rock stars gotta make a living. Don't worry. I won't be long. We'll be gone for three days tops."

"But who's gonna take care of us while you're gone?" Prism demanded. "And don't tell me you're leaving the twins in charge! Not even Mom trusts them!"

"Thunder!" yelled Lightning from the kitchen. "That was my cookie!"

"Really?" Thunder's voice retorted. "I didn't see your name on it!"

"You already had ten cookies, you pig! That cookie should've been mine!"

Scootaloo and Prism cringed as they heard the sounds of two ponies wrestling each other to the ground.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid," Scootaloo said. "That's why I asked Fluttershy if she could take you for the weekend."

That turned Prism's frown upside-down. "You mean we get to spend the weekend with Uncle Discord and Aunt Fluttershy?"

The twins stopped their fighting and poked their heads into Scootaloo's room.

"Did we hear you say we're staying at Screwball's for the weekend?" Lightning inquired.

"Awesome!" Thunder exclaimed. "You know what that means!"

"PARTY!" they both shouted.

"Hold it, you two!" Scootaloo commanded. "You're not throwing any parties without responsible adult supervision."

"Okay!" they cried, their excitement not wavering.

"And no, Discord does not count as a responsible adult."

That put a damper on their mood.

"Oh well," Lightning shrugged. "Their house is still the coolest!"

Thunder nodded. "With the bouncy room..."

"The bowling alley..."

"The ball pit..."

"The rocket launcher..."

"We don't need to throw a party to par-tay!"

"And we get to hang out with one of our best friends!"

"And Uncle Discord!" Prism squeaked. "He's the best uncle ever! And what's not to love about Aunt Fluttershy? Oh, you're still my favorite though, Scootaloo."

Scootaloo laughed. "Sounds like you kids will have fun. Hope it makes up for the fact that I'm bailing on you guys."

"Oh, we'll be fine," Lightning said, waving her hoof. "You just have fun in Las Pegasus, the party capital of Equestria... Wait, can we...?"


"You're soooooo lucky!" Cherry Pie piped as the five best friends trotted down the steps of the school that Friday afternoon. "Sometimes I wish my parents would leave us more often, so we can stay at Uncle Discord's whenever we want!"

"You guys could always come over and hang out," Prism said.

"Can't," Blueberry said, shaking her head. "Mom is throwing a big 'Coming Out of Hiding' party for Dad and we need to be there."

"Oh, right," said Gemstone. "That whole thing about your dad being not your dad but still your dad, but he really wasn't and..." She put her hoof to her head. "My head hurts."

"What are you doing this weekend, Gem?" Raspberry asked.

"Mummy's going to the doctor's and wants me to come with her. Today's the day we find out if I'm getting a baby brother or sister."

C.M.C.T.N.G  Daughter of discordWhere stories live. Discover now